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  • 18 Of The Coolest Ways To Were Florals All Year Round

    Fashions ongoing love affair with florals continues and is such a great summer look. You really can't go wrong with this key trend, however, some of us can go a little left with it, but thats okay. If you want to stay a on trend and perhaps want to revive some of those flower powered shirts from the 80's or stock up on some floral newness then we've got you vovered. Here's how to serve up some fabulous floral looks all year round, without looking like your grandma.

  • Keeping It Real About Motherhood

    When I was little I dreamt of being a mum. Whilst everyone else was planning their wedding day or what they wanted to be when they grew up, I was deciding whether I wanted a girl or a boy. By the time all my friends were deciding on their careers or off finding themselves by living in a campervan in Thailand, I was writing a list of baby names I liked. When I found out I was pregnant, as you can imagine, I believed I would take on this new stage of my life with ease. My pregnancy was by no means the breeze I anticipated it would be, horrendous SPD meant doing basic day to day things like the food shop were near impossible and I struggled to leave the house without a walking crutch. Housebound in the middle of a heatwave, 12 days overdue and a house move imminent I was eager for the baby to make an appearance. 6 hours later she was did. Finally, she was here, tiny and perfect. The weeks that followed, no amount of preparation could have prepared me for. The transition into Motherhood was scary and confusing. In the midst of the night feeds my mind began to wander into the dark corners of 3am when even the birds were asleep. I started to wonder what on earth I had done. Fear and panic set in. How could I possibly be a mum? How could I be left in charge of another human being? The girl who had barely scraped a C in child development GCSE. Surely there was some sort of test you had to pass before becoming a parent? All the ‘motherly instincts’ were there but I was struggling. Every time I thought I’d cracked this parenting lark a new hurdle arose and I was catapulted back to square one, left feeling useless and an inadequate mother. Life before becoming a parent seemed like a different world, a dream, although I could remember it vividly (mainly the nights spent in bars) it seemed like a million years ago. I felt my identity had been stolen, snatched away by Tesco value nappies and maternity leggings. I was lonely, I missed my friends, I missed my work and I missed being me. I wondered if it was meant to feel like this. It was a question I didn’t know the answer to and unlike school, there was no textbook to refer back to. I felt completely lost and there were some days I really didn’t enjoy. ‘But how dare I feel like this!’ I thought. How could I? Being a mother was the one thing I had counted on being good at, the only job I wanted. I felt ungrateful and unworthy, having been blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby but not enjoying 100% of the time I was with her. I found myself verbally giving myself a hard time inside my own head for not finding the mum role ‘easy’. For not being able to swaddle properly, for being rubbish at winding, for feeling frazzled and longing for a nap. I saw other mums taking it in their stride, managing to run businesses, have nights out with friends, take their babies to mum and tot groups when I had to plan a supermarket trip 12 hours in advance and that was me done for the day. I did not dare utter a single word of what I was feeling for fear that people would think I was incapable or give me the pitiful look of ‘well that is what you signed up for’. I felt that because I had indeed signed up for parenting that I had no right to feel that way, I had no right to complain. Then one night I found them. In the middle of a midsummers night with only the whir of the fan to keep me company, I found them. Whilst waiting for the white noise to work its magic and get my daughter into a deep sleep I was trawling the internet (more than likely googling how to get a baby to sleep in its cot for more than an hour) then I stumbled across other mums that seemed to be feeling the same way as I was! Other mums speaking about the hard parts of parenting, the taboo, the parts no one wants to talk about because pretending that they’re managing just fine is easier than going into the ins and outs of why they only got 35 minutes sleep the night before. Other mums voicing the thoughts that had been going round in my head voiceless for months. I thought I was the only one, I thought I was broken and needed fixing but what I realised in that moment that what I had been feeling was to be expected. Tiredness, teething and tears will leave you feeling broken in need of repair but all is forgotten when you baby laughs for the first time or you get in a full 5 hour stretch of sleep. I began being honest if I was asked about how I was finding it, I no longer felt shame when saying it was hard. I spoke to other mums and we shared our struggles and then I started writing about it. I would write about the dark days, the amazing days, the days when I’d just had enough, and the days where I felt like Supermum. Parenting is a mixture of wins and losses, peaks and troughs. Some days are hard, and some days you feel like you’ve got the parenting thing on lockdown. But one thing remains a constant, the importance of talking about how you’re feeling. If you’re struggling, talk. If you’re not struggling, still talk. Because no matter how alone you feel, there’s nothing more isolating than letting those thoughts loose in your own head without some way to release them. Its okay not to love every single millisecond of the parental journey, as long as you’re loving yourself and your baby then the nitty gritty in between can be worked on over a period of time. Hazel Jacques is a 24 year old blogger and mother of one. You can see more of Hazel at Instagram: @thediaryofafirsttimemum

  • Get Happy - 21 Things To Let Go Of Immediately

    1. Thinking you're not ready Nobody is ever 100 percent ready for the opportunities that come his or her way. The best opportunities are the ones we grab hold of and adapt as we go along. 2. Procrastinating If you want to accomplish something, stop waiting and start doing. The constant recycling thought process of putting things off is a total waste of time. When you have an idea or something to do, don't think, and just do, immediately. (obiously whithin reason of course.) 3. Playing it safe Everything worth having comes by taking a risk. 4. Trying to do everything alone The sooner you understand that things are easier and more fun together, the faster you will realise that you don't have to do everything alone. Plus working with others brings a new perspective, fresh ideas and gives you more time to focus on bigger and more important things. 5. Comparing yourself to others Social comparison is the thief of happiness. You could spend a lifetime worrying about what others have, but it simply will not get you anywhere. Focus on what you do have and on working hard to get more of what you want. 6. The perception of being a perfect mother Perfection doesn't exist. In motherhood, relationships, life and everything else for that matter. We all have our flaws, things that we need to work on and improve and that's okay. 7. Your fear of your body Pre baby, post baby or no baby. Society has set standards for women that we really need to shake up. Embrace that scar that you've been hiding, the belly that you refuse to show, or the booty that you may have fallen out lof love with. Every bit of you is yours, and that's what makes you unique. 8. Worry Let go of doubt and worry. When we live in state of belief then things will begin to fall into place and happen in the way that they should. If you spend all your time worrying, then what time is there to spend on the good and making positive things happen. 9. Bad Habits Those habits that dont serve you ae wasting your time 'ma. Poor eating, watchng Netflix all night long, overspending. Let it go. 10. External approval Know that you have everything you need to be who and what you are right now without having to receive a yes or green light from anyone. 11. Energy vamps Be careful about misusing your time with people or situations that don’t serve your highest purpose. It may not always be possible, but value the allocation of your time wisely. This present moment is precious. Use it and spend it mindfully. 12. A Grudge Do you have someone that may have done you wrong past or present and can't seem to forgive them. Well it's important to try, at least not for their sake, but for your own. Psychologists have proved that harbouring ill feelings towards another person may actually be more detrimental to ourselves then to the individual that caused you pain. Just think about the time spent dwelling on the negativity and the fact that it will be effecting you more than them. Nip it, forgive, and move on with your life. 13. The need to be certain Life doesn't come with a manual and nobody really knows exactly what they are doing. Stop buggin' and thinking that to move forward you must be certain. There's no sure fire way to find out what happens if you start that new business, go back to university or move to a new country. You've just got to go for it and see what happens. There most certainly will be bliss on the other side. 14. Your mistakes We all have things we've done in the past that when looking back we hang our heads or cover our eyes in shame. That ex that should've never made it to boyfriend, the opportunities we should've taken, studying harder, you name it. Sometimes it is good to look back and learn from the past, it's actually really necessary as we learn and gain a better insight into life and ourselves. The trouble is when we start to dwell on said mistakes. This is a big no no. Let go and use those mistakes to better yourself for tomorrow. 15. Toxic People We've probably experienced the energy drain of having a toxic individual in our lives. A person who constantly crticises, trivialises your accomplishments, and is an all round host of negative energy. Alot of people like to hold onto relationships due to the time invested, but if someone is causing you to constantly question yourself and leaves you feeling sad and emotionally drained, it's time to ditch the person and their toxicity. 16. The Job you hate Waking up in the morning only to feel depressed about the job you have to go to. Your commute, your boss and everything else that makes work suck. We all deserve to be energised, motivated and fulfilled with the job we are doing, so if you're not, let it go. 17. Late nights Late nights will do nothing for you but bless you with under eye baggage, leave you feeling groggy and make you irritable during the day. Its difficult, because most of us long for those hours after the mini's have gone to bed, but staying up and exceeding your hours of alone time will exhaust the heck out of you. 18. Flaky Friends Let go of people who don’t put effort into your relationship. It doesn’t have to be a fight, or a dramatic, official goodbye. But let go of the energy that you spend on them that never gets returned. Come to peace with it, and with them. Be okay with the fact that you can still love them while also letting them go, in order to make room for the friends who always meet you halfway. 19. Complaining and Negativity What good does it do when we constantly complain and focus on negativity? Not a damn thing. Plus people will distance themselves from a serial whinger because they simply are no fun to be around and can spoil the energy in a room in an instance. When you catch yourself begining to beome negative about something, shut it down and divert it by talking or thinking about something positive. 20. Stagnance Want to start a new job, new business, new career. Well very little is going to happen if you're sitting and just thinking about it all. Plus the more time we spend thinking about doing something, the more reasons we find to talk ourselves out of it. Get moving and get it done. 21. Limititng Beliefs You know, a lot of the things we tell ourselves are simply not true and we can be far too crtical, which can too often lead to not reaching our full potential. When you really start believing that you can kick ass, then you will do just that - kick ass.

  • How To Increase Your Wellbeing - Beauty Hacks - Series III

    We can all lose focus with maintaining our wellbeing, with tight schedules, limited time and motherhood it comes as no suprise. Here are a few simple and healthy daily hacks that are nothing short of essential and beneficial for different areas of your well-being. Beauty Sleep and The Beast, Anxiety We usually pop a pill to appease this issue. This time pop a pen top. Write to ease the anxious thoughts. Make a list of what is on your mind right before you lay your head down. Name the things troubling you, worrying you, exciting you, or stressing you, etc. There is something about physically writing the things you’re thinking about down that instantly soothes. Plus, seeing them written down will calm the brain and all its tinkering down. It helps to release our thoughts on paper as if we were having a meeting with ourselves. Brilliant habit for a better night’s sleep. Wrinkles and the Way you Sleep Wrinkles. Those dreadful things that never fail to show up one day and in places that blow our minds. One of those places they can and will show is on certain areas of your face that they set in deeply as well and it all is depending on your sleep position. The way one will position themselves as they sleep correlates with a person’s wrinkles. It has been said that sleeping in the same position creates sleeping lines. To prevent or try to stop being on the receiving end of these lines it is best to sleep on your back. That is the hardest position to stay put in, but it can be done. Do whatever it takes to try to sleep on your back and show those sleeping lines who’s boss. Blue Zone Yourself - Longevity Blue Zones are the worlds areas where you tend to find the greatest longevity and health. Some places that are Blue zones would be Italy, Japan, Costa Rica, and California. Just a few among the many. What all blue zones have in common we must too become relatable with. For better health and longevity do the following: Engage in daily movement, live intentionally with a purpose, and enjoy a strong social community. Studies have shown that not socializing equals to smoking up to 15 or 17 cigarettes a day. It’s that unhealthy. So, put your lipstick on and find time to socialize. Health isn’t all about genetics come to find out. In fact, it’s all diet and lifestyle-based. So, put in effort to get blue zoned and make those commonalities your new daily life habits. Self-Esteem Booster - “Follow Your bliss” Joseph Campbell, a brilliant mythologist and teacher who dedicated much of his time to studying ancient civilizations and their belief systems such as the Mayans and Egyptians as well as many writers of great literature like Shakespeare and James Joyce. He found commonalities within the ancient civilizations ways and the writers which he called, A Heroes Journey. We are all on one of those in one way, shape or form in this life and amongst all of his studies he saw that following your bliss led to a much higher self-esteem than anything compared to helping increase it. His famous words? “Follow your Bliss” Follow your passions. Be around like-minded people and enjoy what you love thoroughly. The more you do what makes you happy the more your self esteem grows and the more that grows the more you start to live and gravitate more towards doing what makes you happy. Self-esteem booster that costs you nothing but smiles and trials.

  • Sally Ride - The Space Icon To Remember

    Image Source: There are many female faces that many of us may have forgotten or simply do not know at all. Some who have come and gone silently leaving their mark on the world and some that we recognise at an instance. Sally Ride was a phenomenal woman to say the least. A woman that stood for feminism and believed that anything was achievable. Most famously known for being the first woman in space when she flew on the space shuttle Challenger on June 18, 1983. Ride also helped girls exceed in the fields of maths, science and engineering. Born in Encino, Calif., on May 26, 1951, Sally Kristen Ride was the older of two daughters of Dale B. Ride and Carol Joyce (Anderson) Ride. Her father was a professor of political science and her mother was a counselor. While neither had a background in the physical sciences, she credited them with fostering her deep interest in science by encouraging her to explore. An athletic youngster, Ride attended Westlake High School for Girls, a prep school in Los Angeles, on a partial tennis scholarship. She graduated in 1968. After a brief foray into professional tennis, she returned to California to attend Stanford University. There she received a bachelor of science degree in physics and a bachelor of arts degree in English in 1973. Furthering her studies at Stanford, she obtained a master of science degree in 1975 and a doctorate in physics in 1978, according to a Nasa biograghy of Ride. What Was Sally Ride's Early Life Like? Sally Ride was born May 26, 1951, in California. After high school, she went to Stanford University in California. She earned degrees in physics. Physics is a type of science. How Did Sally Ride Become an Astronaut? NASA began looking for women astronauts in 1977. Sally Ride was a student at the time. She saw an ad in the school newspaper inviting women to apply to the astronaut program. Sally Ride decided to apply for the job. She was one of six women picked! What Did Sally Ride Do as an Astronaut? On June 18, 1983, Sally Ride became the first American woman to fly in space. She was an astronaut on a space shuttle mission. Her job was to work the robotic arm. She used the arm to help put satellites into space. She flew on the space shuttle again in 1984. Image Source: What Did Sally Ride Do After She Left NASA? Ride stopped working for NASA in 1987. She started teaching at the University of California in San Diego. She started looking for ways to help women and girls who wanted to study science and mathematics. She came up with the idea for NASA's EarthKAM project. EarthKAM lets middle school students take pictures of Earth using a camera on the International Space Station. Students then study the pictures. In 2003, Ride was added to the Astronaut Hall of Fame. The Astronaut Hall of Fame honors astronauts for their hard work. Until her death on July 23, 2012, Ride continued to help students - especially girls -study science and mathematics. She wrote science books and other things for students and teachers. She worked with science programs and festivals around the United States. Ride proved that as women we are capable of anything and limitations are simply a false belief. Inspiring girls that their abilitites are endless, she shattered glass ceilings and became an iconic female warrior, one to credit, thank and to always remember. Sally Ride, we salute you.

  • 5 Simple Ways To Increase Your Intelligence

    The world is a sea of information, and when it comes to smarts you are never too old to learn a new thing or two. However, we know there are quite a number of things things that can get in the way of learning; work, motherhod and lack of time to name but a few, but we shouldn't let that stop us. Increasing our intelligence also helps us in work and social situations. Nobody wants to attend a dinner date or party completely stumped and not being able to chip in on the conversation taking place (and we all remember that episode of Friends where Joey bought a ton of encyclopedias, because half the time he had no clue as to what the others were talking about, right?) So how can we increase our intelligence in 5 quick and simple ways. Don't worry, we've got you. 1. Read My dear mama's, when was the last time you picked up a book. I know, I know, time is a pressing factor, but with studies showing that reading is incredibly beneficial for the brain, we simply can't miss out on thois simple and quick way to increase our brain power. Start by picking up something that really interests you. How to start your own business, a book on positivity, historical events, knitting. Whatever floats your boat. Spend at least 30 minutes reading before bed and not on social media and you'll be suprised at how competent you'll begin to feel. 2. Surrond Thyself With Smart People The saying that you are similar to the closest 5 people in your life reigns true here. The people we spend most of our time with have the greatest effect on our own beliefs, habits and norms. So if you are ready to take charge and up your game then opt to hang out with individuals who are smarter than you. The level of gains will be immense and you'll be elevating yourself with very little effort at all. 3. Learn The brain is a serious muscle, one that needs to be excercised, daily. Leave it to its own devises and it will simply become stagnant and limp. Excercise the heck out of it by learning and filling it with new knowledge then it will be as strong as er an ox? All those hours you spend on Youtube watching cats doing the strangest of things, well, transition that into watching documentaries or learning a new language.There are a ton of videos on the media platform, so there are no excuses. Eveybody is bound to find something that interests them. 4. Challenge Yourself Complacency really hinders cogntive growth. Life is about having new experiences,so you should start by taking on new tasks like building a new work station or making a den for the kids in the garden (a little far fetched maybe, but let's aim high) The challenge alone will give you motivation and drive even if you have to call in a builder half way to finish what you started. Your brain will thank you for it too, as this will help it to make new neural connections, creating an optimal environment for learning. 5. Do Things The Hard Way Since the dawn of the net the world has become a little lack luster in retrieving information. Google has become mans best friend, our advisory, doctor, therapist, motivator, maths teacher, road map, you name it Google can probably give you the answers to it. Now don't get me wrong I give dues and respect to the net, but it's a little bitter sweet, as the days of normal communicaton or map using have gone. Start using your brain to work out your 7 year olds math questions and a map to get you to the new playground. Our brain just like us needs to be challenged and if you don't challenge it it'll end up as a couple pounds of mushy mess.

  • 15 Of The Hottest High Street Trainers Out Right Now

    1. River IslAND Bronze chunky lace-up trainers £42.00 2. Superga 2750 cortu Classic White £50.00 3. Topshop Ciara chunky trainer £39.00 4. Nike Cortez NBX £79.95 5. New Look Lilac Panelled Chunky Sole Trainers £22.99 6. New Balance 247 Trainers £69.99 7. ADIDAS GAZELLE SHOES £69.95 8. Nike M2k Tekno Trainers White Pure Platinum F £89.99 8. Nike Air Max 97 Ultra '17 SI £149.95 9. Reebok CLUB C 85 £64.95 10. Chuck Taylor All Star Classic £50.00 11. vans SK8-HI SHOES £32.50 12. ZARA MULTICOLOURED PLATFORM SNEAKERS £49.99 13. PUMA RS-100 Futro Women's £80.00 14. Fila Disruptor II Women's £80.00 15. Ellesse Pale Pink Anzia Platform Scallop Trainers £55.00

  • A Few Of Old Hollywood’s Best Kept Beauty Secrets

    The starlets of Old Hollywood were some of the best kept, and stunning women to hit the screens, or streets in this lifetime. From Bette Page to Sophie Loran, great lengths were taken to ensure nourished skin, full eyelashes, pouty lips and everlasting looks left, legendary. A Few Tips From Bettie Page Bettie Page always looked well and flattering especially when it came to her face shape with her hairstyle. She had a knack for knowing what looked right on her, but a hairstylist with talent will too know what is best for your face. Always be sure to have the proper hairstyle that suits your faces shape best and you can never have an off day. If Bettie's mood started to fall she’d often take walks. Along with increasing her endorphins and positive mood, it helped her skin tone and those curves of hers stay perfectly intact. So, find your hairstyle that best fits you and go on a lot of walks. Try to refrain from alcohol and smoking too just as Bettie did. She wasn’t always camera ready for no reason. Ginger Rogers And Witch Hazel It rings tried and true and has for centuries that witch hazel is a highly beneficial attribute to any beauty/skincare regimen. For Ginger it was a must. She maintained a smooth and very even complexion by soaking cotton pads in Witch Hazel and toning her face with it. It is an astringent by default as well as an anti-inflammatory so if not for everyday use, you can at least keep it in the house for those mornings you wake up with irregular puffy eyes. Sophie Loren’s Three Tips for Long-lasting Beauty “A love life, spaghetti, and the odd bath in olive oil.” – Sophie Loren about everlasting beauty. Sophie thrived on her Italian roots, gorgeous soul, Mediterranean diet and olive oil baths. She would soak in olive oil allowing it to give her skin the nutrients and silkiness it requires and leave it glowing after, and she did this often. The best thing to do for an olive oil bath is to run your bath water and pour in a few drops of olive oil in with it. Let the oil sink in as you do. Get relaxed and let the oil do what it does best, nourish. You can also form a gentle body scrub just by mixing some olive oil and sugar together. It is easy on the skin, exfoliates well and moisturizes all at the same time. Mae West Is Sexiness “It’s not sex appeal, just common sense. “ The coconut oil fad started in our society not that many years ago, but Mae West knew of it all along. This sex symbol counted on coconut oil to give her skin its dewy, youthful look. “Eyes that glitter are not always gold!” More subtle eyes with a very thin layer of Vaseline on the eyelids is the best look for any day. It is good for your eyelids and it is a soft look. “Eve had it. And, the whole female tribe inherited it—only some of them haven’t learned that yet, and others just let it dry up! And, you don’t hear about those women, let me tell you. “ “Leave no trace of rouge, blondes avoid dark brows, and Vaseline over shadows….” -Mae West 1934 had some damn good advice ladies. Elizabeth Taylor’s Valued Secret Elizabeth Taylor was well known for her iconic winged eye make-up, for doing it herself even on the set of Cleopatra, but if you were to ask her what her trick was she’d simply tell you and I quote, “Honey, you’ll look like hell if you don’t get a good night’s sleep.” Beauty sleep is Elizabeth Taylor’s most valued secret. Bette Davis Before Bed Regimen Bette Davis was well known for her stunning gaze, and this old Hollywood starlet relied on a few things to merit her eyes. The trick she counted on and went to most often to tackle dark circles under the eyes was a thick layer of petroleum Jelly and cucumber slices on her eyes each night before bed. We already know these two ingredients are golden keys to all of the beauty secrets so mixing them together can only bring out good results. Hand Lotion Is Full Of Grace Grace Kelly was said to repeatedly put on hand cream during make-up on the sets. When asked why she did this so often Grace replied, “Hands are where people show age first.” Hand lotion should be a repetitive thing and on you always. It keeps you smelling good and forever young. Here are two more tips from the very mouth of the one and only, Coco Chanel - “The best colour in the world is the one that looks best on you.” “A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but we must maintain ourselves out of politeness as Coco Chanel would also say. Vaseline, and oil were the biggest hints then and yet remain that today. Stay Glamourous. What are some of your favoutite historical beauty tips?

  • 5 Steps To A Flawless Glass Skin Glow

    You may have heard about the latest K-Beauty trend, ‘Glass Skin’. You may have even stumbled across Ellie Choi and her skincare routine on Instagram @elliejellyb3an. Ellie has a substantial following on Social Media from her make-up posts and her skincare routine for ‘Glass Skin’ went viral. The look consists of a dewy, glowing complexion with no visible pores. Image Source: Instagram I know, I know… How are we to emulate this vision of youth with a wailing toddler clinging to our legs and surviving off broken sleep for 5 years?! I hear you! BUT even though you don’t get a full 8 hours sleep, you don’t have 5 minutes to spare, let alone 30, you too can achieve this look in 5 easy steps. The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 Step 1: First, you will need to ensure your skin is properly hydrated so that you are glowing from the inside-out. Your painting is only ever as good as your canvas, so you need to take care of your canvas (your skin.) To do this, you will need a good serum to penetrate the deeper layers of your skin to deliver moisture effectively. Acids sound scary and harsh but Hyaluronic Acid is a humectant; a moisture-binding ingredient that retains skin moisture and keeps up the production of collagen. The Ordinary, the cult brand that produces effective, no-frills skincare has a Hyaluronic Acid serum that delivers results instantly. As if all this wasn’t enough to sway you, you can buy this beauty staple for less than the price of 2 cups of coffee. It’s going to benefit your skin far more than the coffee too. Ultrasun Anti-Pollution Face Fluid SPF 50+ Step 2: To protect your own natural glow you will need to protect your skin from the sun’s rays and from pollution. Ultrasun’s new Anti-Pollution Face Fluid provides a high Sun Protection Factor without clogging pores or adding a greasy layer of product. It contains high-potency anti-oxidants to reduce the impact of pollution on your skin. The fluid contains no preservatives or perfumes so it’s perfect for sensitive skin. It’s absorbed quickly and acts as the perfect base with or without make-up. Using this face fluid will be a long-term investment in the care and appearance of your skin. Becca First Light Priming Filter Step 3: Want post-workout glow without spending an hour in the gym? No problem! Becca’s First Light Priming Filter can give you just that. The translucent lavender liquid will transform lack-lustre skin into a picture of healthy, rejuvenated skin that glows from within. This primer is one that professional Make-up artists are reaching for at the moment to give their clients an ethereal sheen. This can be worn alone or underneath foundation or tinted moisturiser. This product comes in one shade and works beautifully on all skin tones. Inc.redible You Glow Girl Iridescent Jelly Step 4: You’ve seen liquid, powder and balm highlighters but what about a Jelly highlighter? Inc.redible Cosmetics has created just that with their You Glow Girl Iridescent Jelly. The Jelly comes in 4 shades, Cosmic Blur, Flocking Fabulous, Peach Out and Show Glow. You can apply the jelly to the areas of your face that will naturally catch the light, your brow bone, cheek bones, cupid’s bow, chin, the tip of your nose, the centre of your eyelids. A little goes a long way with this product so apply lightly and see how much more glow you may want to add. Inc.redible Jelly Shot Lip Quencher Step 5: Now that you have plumped up, hydrated, protected and glistening skin, now you can add the same glorious glass-like texture to your lips. Inc.redible Cosmetics Jelly Shot Lip Quencher is enriched with Avocado, Vitamin E and Rice Bran Oil to protect and moisturise your lips. There are 4 shades including a green PH-adapting shade that changes to a pink to suit you. The shade pictured above is called Ex-Revenge and is infused with 24-carat gold to give a beautiful glow to your pout. So, there you have it! 5 simple, steps to Glass-skin with easy-to-use products. We have tested these in a sleep-deprived state and can confirm that you can do this with bleary eyes and your morning coffee in-hand.

  • Design a Stunning Blog

    Your Wix Blog comes with 8 beautiful layouts to choose from. Whether you prefer a trendy postcard look or you’re going for a more editorial style blog - there’s something stunning for everyone. From your blog's settings, choose a layout for your blog feed that suits your style. For example, a tiled layout is popular for helping visitors easily discover more posts that interest them. Or, choose a classic single column layout that lets readers scroll down and see your post topics one by one. The full post layout opens the entire post in an endless scroll. Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers will be able to easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more. Tip: Mix and match your look. Choose one layout for your blog's homepage and a different one for your category pages. You can change your layouts at any time, even after you’ve published your blog. Here’s how to do it: Head to Settings > Categories Click on the 3 dots icon Click Edit

  • Add Blog Writers

    Adding writers is a great way to bring more fresh and diverse content to your blog. Whether you’re running a small business or a large magazine publication, add multiple writers to grow your content and keep it fresh and diversified. You know what they say, content is king so bringing more contributing voices to the topic at hand is an effective way of turning your blog into a thriving online community. You can turn any existing member into a writer for your blog and manage them. Writers can create new posts and manage their comments. Here’s how to do it: Head to your Member’s Page Search the member you want to make a writer Click on the member’s profile Click the 3 dot icon on the Follow button Select Set as Writer

  • Grow Your Blog Community

    With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. Readers can become engaged members of your blog who like to share their thoughts, ideas and discover interesting people. See All Your Members Readers can easily sign up to become members of your blog and get a personal profile page. Members can follow one another and be followed, they can check out each other’s profiles, see what people have liked or commented on, and get notifications. You can view all blog members by clicking the Members icon in the login bar. Tip: To quickly find individual members, use the Member search bar and sort by option. #dream

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