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    If you’ve ever taken a risk, you probably know that feeling of apprehension that comes with it. You may have experienced a range of emotions, from excitement to dread, but the one thing that’s certain is that it’s not easy to make a move when you’re afraid. That’s why so many people choose to stay in their comfort zone, even when they know they could do something great if they just went ahead and took the plunge. But what if there was a way to overcome your fear and take the plunge anyway? The good news is that there is, and it’s called “feeling the fear and doing it anyway.” This is a method that can help you build courage and resilience, and it’s based on the idea that fear is a normal part of life, and the only way to really conquer it is to face it - head-on. Here’s how you can feel the fear and do it anyway: 1. Acknowledge Your Fear The first step in feeling the fear and doing it anyway is to acknowledge your fear. It’s easy to try to ignore your fear or push it away, but that’s not going to do you any good. Instead, take a few moments to really feel the fear and recognise it for what it is. If you can, try to identify the source of your fear. Is it a fear of failure? Fear of the unknown? Fear of taking risks? Once you’ve identified the fear, you can start to address it head-on. 2. Take Small Steps Once you’ve acknowledged your fear, it’s time to start taking small steps forward. This doesn’t mean you have to jump in head first; it simply means that you need to start taking baby steps towards the goal you’re afraid of. For example, if you’re afraid of starting a business, you could start by doing research or talking to people in the industry. This will help you to get more comfortable with the idea and build your confidence. 3. Make a Plan No matter what it is you’re afraid of, it’s important to make a plan. This will help you to stay focused on your goal and give you something to work towards. Start by writing down your goal and breaking it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re taking the necessary steps to reach your goal. 4. Prepare for Setbacks No matter how hard you try, there’s always a chance of failure. It’s important to be prepared for these setbacks and have a plan for how to move forward. Talk to a mentor or coach and come up with a plan for dealing with setbacks. This will help you stay focused and motivated even when things don’t go as planned. 5. Celebrate Your Successes Finally, it’s important to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. This will help you stay motivated and remind you that you’re capable of taking risks and achieving your goals. Whether you take a few moments to reflect on your progress or take a day off to celebrate, be sure to take the time to recognize your accomplishments. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway At the end of the day, there’s no getting around the fact that taking risks can be scary. But the good news is that you don’t have to let your fear paralyze you. By following the steps above, you can learn to face your fear and take the plunge anyway. So the next time you’re feeling scared, take a few moments to acknowledge your fear, make a plan, and take small steps forward. Before you know it, you’ll be feeling the fear and doing it anyway.


    International Women's Day 2023 International Women's Day is a celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. Every year on March 8th, this special day is celebrated to recognize the advancements made by women and to advocate for gender equality. In 2023, International Women’s Day will be a great opportunity to recognize and celebrate the inspiring women in our lives. Here are five unique ways to honour the day. First, host a virtual gathering. With the rise of digital tools like Zoom, Skype, and Google Hangouts, it’s now easier than ever to host a virtual gathering of friends, family, and colleagues. Invite a group of inspiring women to share their experiences and stories. This could be a great way to celebrate the impact of women in our lives and to learn from each other’s journeys. Second, get creative with a women’s day themed photo shoot. Choose a theme that celebrates the beauty, strength, and resilience of women. Use props, costumes, and special effects to capture the moment. Then, post these photos online to honour the special day. Third, give back to the community. Consider donating to an organization that supports women’s rights, or volunteer your time to help out. You could also organize a drive to collect items for survivors of domestic abuse or collect donations for a women’s shelter. Fourth, do something special for the women in your life. Send them a card, flowers, or a special gift. You could also host a special dinner or brunch with your female friends to show your appreciation. Finally, get involved in local events. Many cities around the world host special festivals and events to celebrate International Women’s Day. Look for a program that emphasizes education, empowerment, and inclusivity. Participate in the activities and spread the message of gender equality. International Women’s Day is an opportunity to recognize the importance of women and to strive for gender equality. Use these five unique ideas to celebrate the special day in 2023.


    Essential oils have become more popular as wellness is on the rise, post-pandemic. Typically used within massages, added to baths or inhaled, they are the perfect go-to for relaxation and are a great addition to your nightly routine. to promote rest and calm after a tiring day. Essential oils are fantastic for stress relief and can aid certain ailments and illnesses such as colds and coughs. We break down our top oils and their benefits. Lavender Oil Calming, Stress Relief, Relaxation Lavender oil is calming, and great for stress relief and relaxation. According to an essential oils specialist, lavender essential oil promotes circulation, has a calming effect and is also excellent for aching muscles. Use this essential oil for a profoundly peaceful experience that will help you wind down from a demanding day and get ready for bed. Chamomile Calming, Relieves anxiety/irritability, Another plant renowned for its relaxing effects is chamomile. According to some, it encourages inner serenity, reduces impatience, overthinking, and concern, and supports sound sleep. Despite the fact that chamomile essential oil is typically harmless, some users may experience an adverse reaction. To make it easier for you to fall asleep, try adding a few drops to a warm bath before bed. ; Ylang Ylang Calming, Relieves anxiety/irritability, Ylang Ylang, which derives from a tropical tree's blooms, has a mild, sweet scent that can be used to ease headaches, improve your spirits, and lessen the signs of worry. If you feel like life is starting to get on top of you, put a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil on a handkerchief and carry it around with you to sniff. Vanilla Calming, Relieves anxiety/irritability, Many people find vanilla's sweet smell delightful, and it has a long history of use for relaxation and stress reduction. The body may experience sedative effects from vanilla. It can calm the nervous system, lessen hyperactivity and agitation, as well as lower blood pressure. With a combination of relaxation and a mood boost, it also seems to aid in the relief of anxiety. If the aroma of baked cookies calms and relaxes you, try vanilla for a similar effect—without the calories!


    Image Source: Pexels New mothers can encounter a lot of issues after childbirth. Losing postpartum weight, achieving balance in work v life responsibilities, and finding time for yourself are just a few of these. Further, the things you see on social media can add to the pressure of being 'perfect', as discussed in our article on ‘The Rise In Social Media Usage’. You can encounter posts of other moms’ achievements or even get sidetracked by using social media so much so that you disregard more important things like your own health and fitness. Keeping in good health is essential so you can continue to care for your baby. Fortunately, you can achieve a healthy lifestyle even with a busy schedule. WebMD’s post enumerates several exercises new moms can practice, including walking. It’s one of the easiest ways to get into fitness after giving birth and it gets you out of the house, clearing your mind and preventing you from doom-scrolling on social media. The best thing about it is that you can spend time with your baby while you’re at it by pushing a stroller. Health Benefits of 'Stroller Pushing' This exercise comes with several physical and mental health benefits. Health website, Livestrong informs us that pushing a stroller burns calories, allowing you to shed the baby weight. The more you weigh, the more calories are burned. For example, if you weigh 155 pounds, 176 calories are burned after an hour of pushing. The speed at which you walk also contributes to the number of calories lost. Sticking with our example of weighing 155 pounds, pushing a stroller at 3 mph lets you burn 195 calories in an hour. It can also tone the muscles in your legs, especially if you do high knees or lunges in alternation with pushing. You can even use a loop band around your thighs while pushing the stroller, so the resistance it creates targets your glutes. Finally, this activity gets you to spend time outdoors. A report from On Health notes how sunshine and fresh air can decrease the 'baby blues' or the feeling of sadness after giving birth. While this is normal, it won’t hurt to try and alleviate that moodiness and stay fit at the same time. Things You Need To Begin 'Stroller Pushing' For Health To get started, there are a few things you’ll need: a stroller or pushchair, sunscreen, and sports shoes. A high-quality stroller is key to keeping your baby safe and withstanding the trails you take while walking. iCandy’s pushchairs are all easy to manoeuvre and can be used across grass or rough terrain, so you can take them to your local parks. Its tires are also puncture-proof, so you won’t have to worry when taking more unconventional paths. The shade can also protect your baby from harmful UV rays, especially since their skin is very sensitive while they’re young. You can apply your child with baby-safe sunscreen for added protection as well. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen on yourself, too! Finally, the proper shoes must be worn for walking because, as it’s still a form of exercise. New Balance’s trainers are lightweight and cushioned - perfect for long periods of walking. Its flexible arch is suitable for walks and lunges, while the minimal heel provides stability. Using the proper sports shoes prevents injury and yields comfort. Pushing a stroller is the perfect solution for staying fit and spending time with your baby. What’s great is that it brings you several health benefits as well, helping your mind and body get into a healthier state as a new mom.


    As I sat with a few girlfriends discussing our cycles, sexual habits and vaginal healthcare (after one to many cocktails) on a Saturday evening, one looked at the other in disgust as the other mentioned that 'Vagina's are self cleaning', no douching was necessary. The other looked on in shock horror as if she had just said she'd committed a crime, the discussion then went onto 'are vagina's self cleaning?' and the answer at this point, had to be investigated. So, here are some facts and advice. The difference between the vagina and the vulva - If someone tries to clean their vagina, it could lead to inflammation. - The internal part of the female genitalia is called the vagina. - The term "vulva" refers to the outer layer, which contains the clitoris, labia major and minor, and the vaginal opening. - The vagina is an internal organ and doesn't need to be cleaned like other internal organs do. - The vagina is kept healthy by a complex colony of beneficial bacteria and other germs. Washing can upset the pH balance in the vagina, increasing the risk of infections and offensive odours, especially if you use harsh soaps or douches. Does the vagina need cleaning? - A range of fluids produced by the vagina and vulva are crucial for general health. - By washing the vagina, people shouldn't aim to completely get rid of vaginal odour. A healthy vagina has a faint odour by nature. - Vaginal infections cannot be treated by washing. It might even make things worse in some circumstances. - Drying out the sensitive vaginal tissue by using abrasive soaps might result in microscopic tears that make it simpler for harmful germs to infiltrate the vagina. Risks Washing the vagina consistently raises the risk of a variety of health issues, according to research. Performing repeated douches increases the risk of preterm labour and pelvic inflammatory disease, according to a 2013 study of Egyptian women. Douching is associated with an increased risk of a number of negative pregnancy outcomes, including: ectopic pregnancy low birth weight chorioamnionitis, a type of infection in the membranes surrounding the baby preterm birth Other risks of vaginal cleaning methods such as douching include: cervical cancer endometritis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus increased riskTrusted Source of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV bacterial vaginosis (BV) yeast infections vaginal pain Although the vulva can be cleaned, because of its close closeness to the vagina, any cleaning agents may also enter the vagina. Additionally, harsh cleaning supplies can irritate the vulva. ADVERTISEMENT How to clean the vulva safely The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, which is actually not necessary to clean it. Regular douching is certainly unnecessary. You can help keep the area clean and healthy by: using barrier methods, such as a condom, to reduce the risk of pregnancy and STIs with a sexual partner keeping the vaginal area as dry as possible, which may involve changing underwear if it becomes wet with sweat, menstrual blood, or other fluids urinating after having sex, to avoid developing a UTI wiping from front to back after urinating refraining from having vaginal sex straight after having anal sex, as this can spread bacteria from the anus to the vagina Women can use warm water to wash the vulva's exterior to clean it. A light, unscented is usually okay to use, but the vulva should then be cleansed thoroughly before patting the area dry. It's crucial to avoid putting soap in the vagina and there's no need to use products with genital-specific labels on the soaps you use. Cleaning strategies to avoid To avoid infections, pain, and irritation, it is important not to use the following products: douches, even those that the manufacturers claim are safe or natural feminine deodorant sprays perfumes detergent soaps soaps containing perfume Vaginal steaming Some alternative health sites advocate vaginal steaming, which involves sitting on a steam bath with a variety of herbs. These herbs supposedly clean the vagina and improve the health of the uterus. There is little evidence to suggest that vaginal steaming is effective. The steam cannot penetrate the vaginal tissue or reach anywhere near the uterus. Additionally, the herbs may irritate the tissue of the vagina or vulva, and very hot steam can cause severe burns. According to a 2019 articleTrusted Source, a woman attempted to use vaginal steaming to reduce a vaginal prolapse. As a result, she sustained second degree burns. When to see a doctor A person should see a doctor if they experience a sudden change in vaginal odor, especially if the odor is very strong. A fishy odor often signals BV. Frequent cleaning will not make the odor go away, and it may even make the infection worse. The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, or thrush, may include: itching white or yellow discharge burning discharge with a chunky texture white coating on the lining of the vulva pain during intercourse If a person has BV, they are likely to notice the following symptoms: fishy odor itching pain when urinating pain during sex Summary There is no medical reason to clean the vagina. Douching and other cleaning methods may cause more harm than good, and there is little evidence to suggest that they clean a person’s vulva or vagina effectively and without risk. If a person wishes to clean their vulva, they should use warm water and perhaps a gentle soap if they desire. If a person is experiencing unusual discharge or an unpleasant vaginal odor, they should see a doctor. These are among the first signs of an infection, which will require treatment.



    The term parenting astrologer is one that most have never heard of. So when we asked the MW team their thoughts on its meaning, let's just say they were all pretty perplexed, but nevertheless extremely excited to learn more. We decided to hand the mic over to Tara Vogel, to explain exactly what a parent astrologer is and subsequently what her role involves. Image source: Tara Vogel "As a parenting astrologer, I work with moms to help them understand their kids better using their child’s natal chart. We all have some important soul work to do and it’s my mission in life to try to illuminate the bigger picture of your child’s life and offer practical ways to support them so they can do what they’ve come here to do." Tara Vogel "So let me explain a little bit about what I do. Firstly, a little astrological background. When we are born the planets are in a particular place in the sky. They’re all in a zodiac sign and an astrological 'house'. Almost all of us know what sign the sun was in when we were born. That’s called your sun sign. It’s what you say when someone asks, “What’s your sign?” “I’m a Capricorn,” you reply. Many people don’t know it, but they also have a moon sign, a rising sign and more! A map of where all the planets were on the day, time and place of your birth is called your birth chart or natal chart. That’s what I use in my sessions. Your astrological natal chart is a visual, flattened-out map of where all the planets were in the sky at the moment of your birth. It is essentially a map of who you are in this lifetime. It shows who your soul has come to be. It tells you about your temperament, the kind of experiences you’ll seek out, what unique needs you have and how you think and learn best. It will tell you about what kind of lessons you’re here to learn and what makes your heart sing. The amount of information you can learn from a person’s natal chart is vast. As a parenting astrologer, I work with moms to help them understand their kids better using their child’s natal chart. We all have some important soul work to do and it’s my mission in life to try to illuminate the bigger picture of your child’s life and offer practical ways to support them so they can do what they’ve come here to do. It’s my firm belief that we’re all here to contribute a unique gift to the world and to also learn specific “soul lessons”. Very often, we as parents, have ideas of what we think is best for our children, but it may not line up with who they’ve come to be and the work they’re here to do. You may even have a child you are struggling with. That’s actually my speciality and the children I feel the most passionate about! I look at their natal chart (aka the blueprint of their soul) and give you insight on how to work with them in a practical way while still honouring the essence of who they are on a soul level. And a very important part of what I do as a parenting astrologer is to be sure that Mom is on her soul path too. (Yes, we have one!) Very often, when we become moms, we can get so wrapped up in taking care of the little people we birth into the world that we lose ourselves a little bit. Our identity changes as we enter into motherhood in a beautiful way, but we can also lose a little bit of our individuality. I help Moms get connected to their passion and purpose and I shed light on the bigger picture of the work they’re here to do in the world. I give them the overall picture and practical steps on how to get there. The way I like to work is to have an astrology session for mom first. Moms are the foundational glue for everything. After we spend some time looking at what her soul has come here to do, then I’ll have a separate session for the child. It’s here that we look at their personality, what they need from mom, their gifts and their challenges and I give you practical steps on how to work with and support them. My favourite way to work is to do family packages. This is where I work with everyone in the family - dad too! I record all the sessions so you can listen to each other’s sessions. This brings a whole new level of allowing and acceptance of each other when you can understand everyone’s “soul promise.” It brings family harmony to a whole new level! I also post daily on Instagram about what the cosmos are doing in the sky and how you can use that to support you in the very difficult job of mothering your children. You don’t need to understand astrology to apply my daily guidance. I have many followers who aren’t parents but just want to work with the planetary influences of the day. Life always feels easier that way when you’re in the flow! Tara Vogel is a certified astrologer and professional coach for mindful moms. She's passionate about helping moms stay connected to their kids and themselves via the cosmos. She loves to dive deeply with her clients and believes that understanding the astrological natal chart is one of the greatest tools we have for developing compassion for ourselves and others. She helps moms get clarity, understanding, and answers so they can support their kids on their unique path and at the same time, stay true to their own.


    This article has been updated and was originally posted in 2020. We all know that there is a magnitude of sleeping aids on the market. Some over the counter, some prescribed, but if you are like me and do not fancy heading to the doc's for a prescription, and prefer the more holistic route, here are some amazing tried and tested products. So what are these products and where can you find them? Our Beauty Editor Emma Collins keeps it real and shares some of the best tried and tested natural sleep aids out there. Sleep Well Milk £6.95 3x200ml My mother instructing me to have a warm glass of milk before bed was the first thing I imagined when I came across Sleep Well Milk, however, not to be confused with days of yonder, this exceptional milk has been given a complete millennial spin. It's milk, but get this, it's Jersey Milk, which contains 20% more calcium, protein and higher amounts of minerals and vitamins - yep, we've just upped our milk credentials. It also contains Valerian, which is a natural sleep aid and relaxant, which has also been proved to decrease anxiety and stress symptoms. Sleep Well Milk has a delicate consistency and natural taste with a hint of honey and vanilla and can be drunk either hot or cold, 30 minutes before bed. So, we opted to have it 'hot' and gave it a try. As I said, I've never really been one to opt for a glass of warm milk before bed, but after the second night, I was actually looking forward to my natural nightcap. The magic in this is obviously the valerian and the bonus is the extra nutrients. When I slipped into bed I felt relaxed and calm and more alert in the morning. It is such a simple, yet cool and innovative product and I just can't wait for the chocolate flavour to be released! Neals Yard Beauty Sleep Body Butter £23.00 The Neals Yard Body Butter is quite frankly, put in the simplest of terms - exquisite! With the unique soft scent of lavender, I was mesmerized immediately. I have quite normal skin but can be prone to breakouts when my skin doesn't want to behave, so I'm usually a little apprehensive when it comes to trying new products. It is as rich in scent as it is in texture and has a luxurious quality to it and that's what I just love about it. With Ylang Ylang and Patchouli Essential Oils all infused, the calming and relaxing properties make for the perfect addition to your beauty and sleep routine. The thick and creamy consistency of the butter also meant that it soaked right into my skin without leaving a film-like layer (as some body butters do). Surprisingly, it didn't feel greasy or heavy on and didn't toy with my skin. Although meant for the body, I found that it worked amazingly as a face moisturiser too. Goodnight Pillow Mist £15.00 It is fair to say that Neals Yard deliver well when it comes to their products and scent and this shows with the Goodnight Pillow Mist. With a delicate and dreamy lavender aroma, best described as - 'what a dreamy meadow close to a lavender vineyard would smell like', the pillow mist was absolutely delightful. I sprayed it in the air and over the pillow at bedtime and it left the room with a soothing and tranquil mood once my head hit my pillow I took to the scent even more. Filled with organic lavender, vetiner and mandarin essential oils the combination of these magical ingredients aid your sleep tremendously. I did wake up in the middle of the night to carry out my usual spot checks on the children and on returning to bed the scent was surprisingly still there, still as strong and still as effective. Come the morning, I woke up feeling cool and calm and completely ready to take on my day. Beauty Sleep Supplement £26.50 I have always been slightly sceptical about supplements, so when it came to the Neals Yard Beauty Sleep Supplements I already had my reservations. The self-proclaimed skin hero does not only aid sleep but also aids skin renewal too - now that's major! The supplements contain an amazing herbal blend of lemon balm, chamomile, passion flower, added B vitamins and pantothenic acid to help aid relaxation, in order to reduce fatigue and promote restorative sleep. This also works to support your skin's natural night-time regeneration and to help maintain healthy skin, nails and hair, all while you sleep. About 5 days in I started to notice a new level of calmness during my bedtime routine and a greater sense of balance in the morning. See, my mornings are usually riddled with uneasiness and chaos - but I managed to maintain this until about lunchtime - until my mid-morning slump kicked in. Nevertheless, I was truly impressed even if it were only for an hour or two. Dermalogica Sleep Cocoon £72.50 Dermalogica has honestly never been my go-to beauty product of choice, but after hearing other beauty editors raving about the Dermalogica Sleep Cocoon - I had to give it a shot. I obviously didn't want to be the only one left without 'glowing skin' right? With a gentle combination of Whu-Zu-Yu extraxt, yeah, a bit of a mouthful, I know, Tamarind seed extract and a whole host of other beautiful hard-to-come-by and hard-to-pronounce essential oils, this my friend lives up to its hype and does exactly what it says, while also promoting deep restful sleep for a healthier looking skin in the morning - what's not to love? Neom Perfect Night's Sleep Face Oil £42.00 Neom has given us an oil, with an amazing aroma might I add. Not only does it help to boost sleep, but it also gives you amazing skin too. Tremendous. Small but punchy, you certainly shouldn't let its size fool you, as this oil should so be on your birthday, Christmas, heck any celebration wish list. So my nighttime skin routine, by any measure is up and down. Sometimes I'll bathe in luxurious creams and oils and other times er, I'll fall asleep and wake up in yesterday's makeup. Ah - I have kids. The Neom face oil does however add a new dimension to my nighttime skin routine and is a quick remedy to boost my skin's suppleness. With Cranberry Oil, Wheat Germ Oil plus 11 other essential oils to help you sleep, this oil is definitely my bedtime go-to. The scent although lovely is a little strong for my liking, but what overrides this is the light density and the fact the oil dissolves instantly into the skin, with the added pleasure of relaxing and calming ingredients to help you drift off to sleep. This is one to certainly remain on my list.


    by Rebecca Kirby The starlets of Old Hollywood were some of the best kept, and stunning women to hit the screens, or streets in this lifetime. From Bette Page to Sophie Loran, great lengths were taken to ensure nourished skin, full eyelashes, pouty lips and everlasting looks left, legendary. BETTIE PAGE Bettie Page always looked well and flattering especially when it came to her face shape with her hairstyle. She had a knack for knowing what looked right on her, but a hairstylist with talent will too know what is best for your face. Always be sure to have the proper hairstyle that suits your faces shape best and you can never have an off day. If Bettie's mood started to fall she’d often take walks. Along with increasing her endorphins and positive mood, it helped her skin tone and those curves of hers stay perfectly intact. So, find your hairstyle that best fits you and go on a lot of walks. Try to refrain from alcohol and smoking too just as Bettie did. She wasn’t always camera ready for no reason. Ginger Rogers and Witch Hazel It rings tried and true and has for centuries that witch hazel is a highly beneficial attribute to any beauty/skincare regimen. For Ginger it was a must. She maintained a smooth and very even complexion by soaking cotton pads in Witch Hazel and toning her face with it. It is an astringent by default as well as an anti-inflammatory so if not for everyday use, you can at least keep it in the house for those mornings you wake up with irregular puffy eyes. Sophie Loren’s Three Tips for Long-lasting Beauty “A love life, spaghetti, and the odd bath in olive oil.” – Sophie Loren about everlasting beauty. Sophie thrived on her Italian roots, gorgeous soul, Mediterranean diet and olive oil baths. She would soak in olive oil allowing it to give her skin the nutrients and silkiness it requires and leave it glowing after, and she did this often. The best thing to do for an olive oil bath is to run your bath water and pour in a few drops of olive oil in with it. Let the oil sink in as you do. Get relaxed and let the oil do what it does best, nourish. You can also form a gentle body scrub just by mixing some olive oil and sugar together. It is easy on the skin, exfoliates well and moisturizes all at the same time. Mae West Is 'Sexiness' “It’s not sex appeal, just common sense. “ The coconut oil fad started in our society not that many years ago, but Mae West knew of it all along. This sex symbol counted on coconut oil to give her skin its dewy, youthful look. “Eyes that glitter are not always gold!” More subtle eyes with a very thin layer of Vaseline on the eyelids is the best look for any day. It is good for your eyelids and it is a soft look. “Eve had it. And, the whole female tribe inherited it—only some of them haven’t learned that yet, and others just let it dry up! And, you don’t hear about those women, let me tell you. “ “Leave no trace of rouge, blondes avoid dark brows, and Vaseline over shadows….” -Mae West 1934 had some damn good advice ladies. Elizabeth Taylor’s 'Valued Secret' Elizabeth Taylor was well known for her iconic winged eye make-up, for doing it herself even on the set of Cleopatra, but if you were to ask her what her trick was she’d simply tell you and I quote, “Honey, you’ll look like hell if you don’t get a good night’s sleep.” Beauty sleep is Elizabeth Taylor’s most valued secret Bette Davis 'Before Bed Regimen' Bette Davis was well known for her stunning gaze, and this old Hollywood starlet relied on a few things to merit her eyes. The trick she counted on and went to most often to tackle dark circles under the eyes was a thick layer of petroleum Jelly and cucumber slices on her eyes each night before bed. We already know these two ingredients are golden keys to all of the beauty secrets so mixing them together can only bring out good results. 'Hand Lotion' Is Full Of Grace Grace Kelly was said to repeatedly put on hand cream during make-up on the sets. When asked why she did this so often Grace replied, “Hands are where people show age first.” Hand lotion should be a repetitive thing and on you always. It keeps you smelling good and forever young. Here are two more tips from the very mouth of the one and only, Coco Chanel - “The best colour in the world is the one that looks best on you.” “A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but we must maintain ourselves out of politeness as Coco Chanel would also say. Vaseline, and oil were the biggest hints then and yet remain that today. Stay Glamourous. What are some of your favoutite historical beauty tips?


    Image source | Accor Group Novotel London Paddington 3 Kingdom Street, Sheldon Square, Paddington W2 6BD, London, United Kingdom. +44 207266600 We all know what a difference a short stay away from home can make and a change of scenery can also help to, ahem, break up the long summer holiday. So, when Novotel Hotel, Paddington invited us for a weekend stay, to celebrate the new Lightyear movie - we were completely buzzed *no pun intended. Travelling with kids abroad can be pretty tiresome, so making the short trip into the centre of London for the weekend, and not having to face arduous delays and covid testings as a result of going abroad, made for an easily accessible, fun and stress-free weekend. Location Situated in the chic Paddington Central, W2, is one of London's 'hotel gems' Novotel Hotel. Tucked inside the beautiful, modern and leafy Sheldon Square the French-originated hotel towers into the sky. Surrounded by well-known restaurants and local shops - it feels like a little town within the city. Just a 5-minute walk from Paddington station and a 15-minute link to Heathrow Airport via Heathrow Express and link to Elizabeth line the hotel is easy to get to and close to shopping areas, such as Oxford and Regent Street. Image source | Accor Group Hotel Style For those of us who are into contemporary settings - Novotel does not disappoint. With stunning high ceilings - the hotel lobby is bright, airy and spacious and presented with modern decor, with three reception desks positioned to the left. Gorgeous large planters align the first-floor hallway, which mirrors the outdoor leafy surroundings of the hotel, leading up to the very large terrace, with comfortable seating - looking out onto the city. With over 500 hotels in 65 countries worldwide, each location has something different and special to offer. Wellness Centre Pool | Image source | Facilities The wellness centre consists of a gym, heated swimming pool and two saunas, so we were absolutely spoilt for choice. The centre was clean, a good size (so as not to get overcrowded) and very well equipped - with treadmills, weights, exercise bikes and more. Wellness centre Sauna | Image source | Rooms The hotel boasts 206 modern rooms and 11 disabled-accessible rooms. The family room was modern, with dark wood furnishings and wall art that set a calming tone to the room. Accompanied with features such as a desk, mood lighting and mini fridge - alongside other usual hotel features, such as a blow dryer, desk lamp and phone etc. The bathroom was large and spacious with a twin shower set, and the toilet was located in a separate space - a great feature for when children want to use the toilet when you're trying to have a relaxing shower! Image Source | Accor Group Service The service was wonderful, as we were greeted with a warm welcome from the reception staff and waiters/waitresses over the course of our stay. Upon arrival, the reception staff were friendly and attentive - reminding us that if we required anything, they were just a call away. Dining area | Image source | Accor Group Food and Drink Dinner was fantastic, again with great efficient service and smiles from the staff all around. At dinner, we were presented with a gourmet and kid's menu - with enough options for even the fussiest of kids. Opting for the steak and wok rice noodles and the kids' chicken strips and chips, and then served with the most delicious rhubarb crumble and chocolate brownie for dessert - the kids at this point were very happy. The hotel has a lovely bar within the dining area with a huge array of wines and cocktails and non-alcoholic options. Breakfast was continental style and self-service - with pastries, hot breakfast - including eggs, toast, sausages etc, fruit and grains and cereals. The breakfast room was lightly lit - so perfect for those who aren't particularly morning people. For Families Yes, most definitely. The children were gifted with Paddington Bear teddies, activities and badges when we arrived, which immediately took the stress of how to entertain them out of our hands. We stayed in a very contemporary family room, with a kingsize bed, and 2 fold-out single beds. A projector was also provided and helped to keep wandering minds occupied, set a calming tone for the evening, and, most importantly, get the kids to sleep! If you would like to book a stay at any Novotel hotel in the U.K. or abroad, please book via


    Our editors have selected all items -and we may earn a commission on affiliate links. As we head towards yet another heat wave, finding something to wear can be a little tricky. With so many of us struggling with wardrobe decisions, that will keep us both cool and on-trend, we've taken the fuss out of it all and listed our top 15 summer dresses that are fashionable, functional and suit every budget. Mango Gingham Check Cotton Dress £49 Arket Crinkled Sleeveless Dress £89 Warehouse Abstract Spot Soft Shift Dress £55.20 Vero Moda Printed Mini Dress £34 French Connection Flores Verona Crepe Smock Dress £45 Topshop Spot Poplin Tiered Midi Dress in Monochrome ASOS En Crème Plus Midi Smock Layered Dress £24.75 Zara Printed Satin Dress £45.99 Reiss Henley Romantic Cami Midi Dress £45 Nobody's Child Kylie Midi Dress £59 Whistles Lively Animal Print Midi Dress £169 Omnes Riviera Pink Zebra Midi Dress £55 COS Vluminous Maxi Dress £79 Elize Zola ruffled linen-gauze maxi dress £214 Veronica Beard Avenel Gathered Leopard-Print Silk-Georgette Midi Dress

  • How To Get Out Of Your Head and Focus On The Good

    Updated Article 26th July 2022 All too often, as women and mothers, we tend to put others’ priorities before our own. Ask yourself, “How many “hats” do I wear?” Mama, wife, entrepreneur, employee, Girl Guide leader, soccer coach, the list goes on. With so many hats, your mind starts to wander to things that don’t always involve you or sometimes to the negative aspects of your life. Is there a hat that says “time for me?" When was the last time you stopped to take time for yourself, to put a little time into something you wanted to do for yourself? As mothers, we do everything we can to keep our family healthy. But how are those habits working for you? As a busy mum, your focus is not always balanced. Between preparing snacks for the little ones, to nap times, to play dates, to everyday chores and errands that need to be done - in between it all. You are trying to keep it all together and think you are doing a pretty good job, until that moment those little voices in your head come to light. Those conversations you had with the other mums at soccer practice or at the playdate. How often have you heard “my kids nap at the same time every day for 2 hours each time” or “my kids eat everything I give them” or (my favourite) “my house is a mess" when you know it really isn’t! Your mind then starts to wander and wonder what you can do differently, what you are doing wrong. You are doing nothing wrong! Your first instinct is to compare yourself (and your life) to others. If that’s the case - please stop! Get out of your head - what you think your life is supposed to look like. Get out of your head what you think is wrong with your life. From now on, focus on what you do have, what you are grateful for, and what you love about your life and your family. No one else’s opinion matters about what you do with your life. Stop letting your mind wander, wondering what others will think about you if you live a certain way, dress a certain way, or eat/exercise a certain way. Eliminate all judgements and take a deep breath. Here are 6 things you can start doing now to get out of your own head and to stop letting your mind wander. Stay positive It’s hard sometimes, but it’s important to stay positive even when you feel everything is upside down. 'Stay positive' that things will work out, that everything will come together in time. At the end of the day, what harm will come if, for example, the laundry isn’t put away immediately or the dishes have been in the sink all day. Just think of the fun you had with the kids that day, the smiles on their faces, and the sounds of their laughter. Those are the little things that can help you get through your day. One way to reassure you on these positive thoughts is to take some time in the evenings to write in a journal. Write down 5 things you are grateful for and 5 things that went well in your day. Stop Comparing The worst thing you can do is compare yourself to others, whether it’s your physical activity routine, your eating habits, or your every day 'mum life'. You and your life are perfect just the way they are. What works for you does not always work for someone else. Everyone acts and reacts differently to everything in life. It may be frustrating sometimes when you hear how well someone else is doing on their healthy habits… but that’s what works from them. Only you can make the best possible choices for your health and your life when you are ready to make those changes and you are in the right mindset to make those changes a reality, then everything will fall into place. ​ Be Mindful Give yourself permission. Permission to love your body. Permission to treat yourself to a coffee and a nice book. Permission to take time for yourself without feeling guilty. I, like many mums out there, struggle with taking time for me. For being 'in the moment'. For not putting myself on my own list of priorities. Be mindful of what is actually going on in the present time. Focus on placing attention on the positive aspects of your life and the power of being grateful for what you have right now. Being mindful is especially important when you are spending time with your kids (they grow up fast!) One thing you can do is plan a weekly family activity. It can be as simple as a play outside in your backyard or a walk in the park or having a picnic. Be Confident When you start to believe in yourself, you exude confidence. Think about the common excuses you make on a daily basis as to why you don’t want to do something. For example, taking your kids to the pool and not feeling comfortable to wear a bathing suit (comparing yourself to others). Start placing emphasis on changing those negative thought processes into positive statements. Start believing you can do anything you set your mind to and the confidence will start rolling in. Positive statements can quickly change your mindset and your confidence. Don't Strive For Perfection No one is perfect. No matter what anyone says or thinks. Not everyone has it all together, despite what they want you to believe. Live your life and make healthy choices for you that are most suitable for your lifestyle. When you are making any type of change to your lifestyle, set goals that are realistic for you. Break those goals down into smaller more manageable pieces, and focus on one small step at a time. You can’t do it all at once, but you can do a little at a time and focus on completing that one step before moving on to the next. Don't Sweat The Small Stuff Do you get stressed out if something doesn’t go as planned during your day? Many mums would say yes! But that’s one habit you have to get out of. Sometimes the smallest of things can be stressful, from the kids not napping for a long time or at all, to not getting everything done that you wanted to accomplish, to buying drive-through meals for the kids because it’s been a busy day of errands. Life happens and you can’t let the small, sometimes stressful things, bear weight on your mind. Not every day is going to go as planned and that’s ok. One day of poor eating choices or no physical activity will do little harm on your health, as long as these days are few and far between and they don’t become a habit. Nor will one day of your kids having a treat or your home being a little messy have harm on your overall well-being. Enjoy every moment of your day and (as my 3 year old sings daily) “Let it go!"Not all positive health changes need to start at the beginning of the week. If something didn’t start as planned today, there is always tomorrow. In life, the best you can do is to be yourself. Be inspired to learn and grow and be confident in the choices and decisions you make. It’s not about how much you have (materialistic or monetary) or what car you drive or what classes or school your children are attending. If you have the money to hire a maid to clean your home or a babysitter to watch your kids a couple times a week, that’s great. But if you don’t, that’s great too. If you want to make a change to your health and your family’s health, then take one step at a time. Make one change at a time. And make your lifestyle your own. If a healthy lifestyle change is what you desire, get into your own routine that suits your lifestyle, be grateful with what you have and what you can do, and focus on taking one baby step at a time in order to reach your ultimate goals. Kathleen Rubio is a female entrepreneur and founder of Igniting Your Health, a business designed to help parents achieve a healthy lifestyle through tracking sheets, workbooks, and soon to be released e-Books. She is on a mission to help other parents, particularly mums, reach their potential in health and happiness. You can see more of Kathleen here: Website: Contact: Facebook: IgnitingYourHealth

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