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    In today's world, technology is ubiquitous, and it's no surprise that children are growing up surrounded by smartphones, tablets, and other digital devices. While technology can provide many benefits, such as educational opportunities and improved communication with family and friends, it can also have negative effects on children's well-being if not used appropriately. As many parents, myself included, have been pulling their hair out over how to reduce their kid's phone usage, it's essential to implement strategies and find the balance between your child's phone usage and their overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you navigate your child's phone usage: 1. Set clear rules and boundaries One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to set clear rules and boundaries around phone usage. This includes things like limiting screen time, establishing phone-free zones (such as during meals or at bedtime), and setting rules around social media use. Be sure to communicate these rules clearly and consistently, and consider involving your child in the rule-making process. This can help them feel more ownership over their phone usage and increase their willingness to comply with the rules. 2. Monitor your child's phone usage While it's important to trust your child, it's also important to monitor their phone usage to ensure they are using their devices in a safe and appropriate manner. This can include using parental control software to restrict access to certain apps or websites, monitoring their social media activity, and checking in with them regularly to see how they are using their phones. Remember, monitoring your child's phone usage is not about spying or invading their privacy, but rather about ensuring their safety and well-being. 3. Encourage alternative activities It's important to encourage your child to engage in alternative activities that promote physical activity, social interaction, and creative expression. This can include things like playing outside, participating in sports or other physical activities, reading, and engaging in creative hobbies. Encouraging these activities not only helps to reduce phone usage but also promotes healthy habits and well-being. 4. Lead by example Finally, it's important to lead by example when it comes to phone usage. Children learn from the behaviours they see around them, so if you want your child to use their phone in a healthy and responsible manner, it's essential that you do the same. This includes things like limiting your own phone usage, avoiding the use of phones during meals or other family activities, and modelling positive social media behaviour. There is no going back in time, technology is a part of our lives, and it's important for parents to find a balance between their child's phone usage and their overall well-being. By setting clear rules and boundaries, monitoring phone usage, encouraging alternative activities, and leading by example, you can help your child develop healthy habits around phone usage and ensure their well-being.


    The first step in practising self-love is to become aware of one’s thoughts and feelings. Self-love has been a buzzword circulating around social media for a few years now, but how many of us truly know how to practice it? It isn't just about bubble baths and watching your favourite T.V. show, there's much more to it. It is a process that involves recognising and embracing one’s own strengths and weaknesses, actively committing to improving one’s self-image and honouring one's self, with love. The first step in practising self-love is to become aware of one’s thoughts and feelings. Self-awareness is an essential part of self-love, as it helps to identify areas where you may need improvement or where you are succeeding. In order to gain self-awareness, one should observe their thoughts and feelings, and practice being honest with themselves, even if it is difficult to hear. The second step is to create a positive self-image. This involves actively engaging in activities that contribute to a strong sense of self-esteem and self-worth. This may include engaging in physical activities, such as yoga or exercise, taking time to relax, or participating in activities that bring joy and fulfilment. In addition, it is important to engage in positive self-talk and to focus on the positive aspects of oneself. The third step is to set positive goals and intentions. This involves developing a clear vision of what one wants to achieve and setting realistic and achievable goals to achieve them. It is important to remember that self-love is a journey and not a destination and that each step taken towards the goal is a success. The fourth step is to practice self-care. Self-care is the practice of taking care of one’s mental, emotional and physical health. This may include maintaining healthy eating habits, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that nourish the mind and body. Additionally, it is important to practice positive self-talk in order to build self-confidence and self-love. The fifth step is to practice self-compassion. This involves recognizing one’s own limitations, and being kind and supportive to oneself when mistakes are made. Self-compassion also involves understanding that mistakes are a part of life and that it is important to be gentle and patient with oneself when facing difficult times. Finally, the sixth step is to practice gratitude. This involves being mindful of the present moment and being thankful for the blessings in one’s life. It is also important to express gratitude for the difficult moments, as these can often lead to growth and learning. In conclusion, self-love is an important practice that can lead to greater contentment and confidence in oneself. It involves becoming aware of one’s thoughts and feelings, creating a positive self-image, setting positive goals and intentions, practicing self-care, practicing self-compassion, and expressing gratitude. Taking the time to practice self-love is an important step towards living a more fulfilling and joyful life.


    Surrounding yourself with positive people can help to improve your overall well-being and having a support system of friends and family members who genuinely care about you and are always willing to lend a hand is essential for helping individuals stay motivated, hopeful, and strong. Having an optimistic circle of people for support helps bring out the best in us, and boosts our chances of success in everything we pursue. Positive people influence the way we think, speak, and act. They can encourage us to stay focused on our goals and help us manage our emotions in difficult situations. Positive people can provide us with reassurance and boost our confidence when we need it most. They can help us see the brighter side of any situation and give us guidance if we feel down or lost. They also tend to have energy and enthusiasm which is great for inspiring us to make positive changes in our lives and be the best versions of ourselves. Having positivity in your life is great, but it is also important to be aware of the ways in which you are being influenced. It's easy to become swayed by people who are negative and may not always have your best interests at heart. Remember, you should surround yourself with people who will challenge you to be the best you can be and support you through the highs and lows. On the other hand, negative people tend to be pessimistic and pessimistic and can create an unproductive environment. Therefore, it's important to think carefully about who we choose to associate with. Being surrounded by a person who spreads negativity can be draining and can lead to feelings of self-doubt, stress, and even depression. So, it's essential to pay closer attention to the people around you and how they make you feel.In conclusion, surrounding yourself with positive people is essential for maintaining good mental health and fostering personal growth. Positive people can provide you with encouragement, push you to better yourself, and lift your spirits when you are feeling down. So, make sure to create a supportive environment and surround yourself with people who will bring out the best in you. We all have a ‘tribe’ – a group of people we consider close family and friends. It’s essential for personal growth that we find ways to increase the amount of positivity in our lives, and it starts by looking for ways to surround ourselves with people who share the same ideals and values. Having positive people around us helps us look on the bright side, even in dark or challenging times. Positive people bring out the best in us, inspiring us to find our potential, take risks, and make dreams a reality. They challenge us to be our best selves and encourage us to reach ambitious goals, leading to a much brighter future. Surrounding ourselves with positive people is also beneficial for our mental and physical health. Positive people tend to lower stress levels, while they encourage us to take better care of ourselves, make healthier decisions, and participate in activities that can benefit us. It’s also important to remember that not everyone has the same outlook on life, and that includes our circle of friends and family. But consciously choosing to seek out positive people should help make our lives easier, richer, and more fulfilling. Being around positive people will help us build self-confidence, realize our ambitions, and unlock our potential. The benefits of finding a supportive group of friends and mentors who are full of positivity are unparalleled. So challenge yourself to find positivity in every situation and use it to your advantage. You won’t regret it!


    Motherhood is one of the toughest roles we will ever face in life but add a full-time job into the equation and many women are struggling whilst raising children and trying to maintain a career. It can be an incredibly rewarding lifestyle; however, it can also mean being isolated from the working world and feeling limited in terms of achieving personal career goals and financial independence. It isn't easy. Juggling deadlines, school appointments and having to meet high expectations in a role that doesn't really satisfy is what many women are facing today. As a result, there has been a huge rise in mothers choosing to work for themselves, and the mumpreneur is making her mark on the world. There are many women who want to start their own businesses but have no idea where or how to start. The good news is that there are countless business ideas out there for mothers who want to work from home and use their talent, creativity and enthusiasm to bring in an additional income stream. Here are twenty business ideas that full-time mums can start right from their own home, with very little startup costs: 1. Virtual Assistant. As a virtual assistant, you provide help and support to businesses and entrepreneurs by helping manage time, list tasks, and complete miscellaneous tasks. You can offer general administrative services such as invoicing, data entry, transcription, bookkeeping, and organization. 2. Transcription Services. If you have impeccable grammar and spelling skills, transcription services can be a profitable business idea. You can transcribe audio, video, and emails for various companies that need help with these tasks. 3. Social media manager. With an ever-increasing demand for certain social media platforms, businesses are seeking flexible workers to help them manage their presence on these platforms. If you have an understanding of social media and the art of engaging with people, this could be a great business idea for you. 4. Writing services. If you like to write and can offer professional writing services for a wide range of topics and industries, this could be a great full-time mum business. You can write articles, blog posts, website content, and even books. 5. Consulting services. If you have knowledge in a specific area, such as marketing, finance, accounting, or public relations, you can offer consulting services to companies. 6. Virtual event planning. Event planning can be a lucrative business; however, it can also be time-consuming and expensive. By offering virtual event planning services you can help companies create a great online experience for their attendees. 7. Virtual tutor. There is a great demand for tutoring services, particularly online. Full-time mums can utilize these services to become virtual tutors and offer academic and career guidance to students. 8. Web design. The demand for website design and development is constantly increasing, which means the opportunities for full-time mums to become web developers are also increasing. 9. Photography. If you have a great eye for photography, you can start taking photos for special events, weddings or for stock photography sites. 10. Interior design services. Home design is an increasingly popular career choice for many; however, you can offer interior design services from the comfort of your own home. 11. Graphic design services. Graphic design businesses can be an incredibly profitable venture for full-time mums who want to use their creativity and design skills to create logos and marketing materials for their clients. 12. SEO (search engine optimization) services are essential for many businesses. If you have the knowledge and skills you can offer SEO services to companies, helping them increase their online presence. 13. Virtual bookkeeping. Bookkeeping services are essential for many businesses, and entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to virtual bookkeepers to help them with their finances. 14. Handmade products. If you’re a crafty person, you can start selling handmade products, such as jewellery and knitted items, on online marketplaces or your own website. 15. CV/resume writing. Resume writing services can be an incredibly profitable business for full-time mums, especially when targeting the younger demographic who often need help creating a standout resume. 16. Video creation and editing services. As businesses turn to video to promote their products and services, there is an increasing demand for video creation and editing services. 17. Online tutoring. Online tutoring services have become more popular in recent years, and full-time mums can offer tutoring in a wide range of subjects and topics, depending on their skills and experience. 18. Virtual assistant services. If you’re efficient, hard-working, and possess a few skills that might be helpful for other businesses, you can offer virtual assistant services, such as diary management, calls and email handling, and customer service. 19. Voice-over services. Voice-over services can be a lucrative business for full-time mums who have a pleasant and professional speaking voice. You can record audio for commercials, radio spots, documentaries, and more. 20. Online shopping. If you’re an expert in online shopping, you can help other entrepreneurs by assisting them with online shopping, such as finding the best looks/items, and deals and arranging for delivery. Whatever business idea you decide to pursue, be sure to research it thoroughly so you have a better understanding of the risks and potential rewards. With the right approach and dedication, you can make a living by running a successful 'full-time mum' business.


    Lower back pain is one of the most common health complaints among adults. It can have devastating effects on your quality of life, from limiting your ability to carry out daily activities to hindering your ability to work or exercise. It affects people of all ages and body types, ranging from mild toe-curling discomfort to severe pain that can leave you bedridden and immobile. For some, the pain is a chronic issue, while for others it can be a temporary and fleeting annoyance. No matter the case, lower back pain can greatly reduce your enjoyment of life and make simply carrying out everyday tasks more difficult. While many factors can contribute to lower back pain, such as age-related wear and tear, poor posture, and injuries, some of the most common causes are habits that you may not even be aware of. Here are 8 habits that could be causing you lower back pain: Not Exercising Regularly Perhaps the most well-known cause of lower back pain is the lack of exercise. The human body is designed to move, and when it doesn’t get enough physical activity, it can cause the muscles and ligaments of the lower back to become weak and less able to support the spine. To help prevent this, it’s important to do a combination of aerobic activity (such as running or biking) and strength-training exercises that tone and build the muscles of the back and core. This will help strengthen and stabilize your spine, making it more resistant to injury and pain. Slouching Slouching is a major contributor to lower back pain. When you slouch, your spine is no longer in a neutral position, causing misalignment of your spine and tension in your lower back muscles. Slouching also reduces the amount of oxygen that your lower back muscles receive, which can lead to pain. Sitting for Long Periods of Time Sitting for long periods of time can be a major contributor to lower back pain. The lack of movement causes your spine to become misaligned, which can lead to changes in the spinal discs and muscles, causing pain. Not Warming-Up and Cooling-Down Before and After Exercise Failing to warm up and cool down before and after exercise is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. When you fail to do these, your muscles are not adequately prepared for the physical demands of exercise, leading to strain and back pain. Sleeping on the Wrong Mattress Believe it or not, your mattress plays a huge role in your lower back health. If it’s too firm or not supportive enough, it can force your spine out of alignment and lead to pain and stiffness. To help alleviate this, make sure your mattress is comfortable and provides good support for your back. If it’s too soft and doesn’t offer enough support, look into a memory foam or adjustable bed which can allow you to customize the firmness. Wearing High Heels High heels may look glamorous and stylish, but they can also wreak havoc on your lower back. Wearing elevated shoes on a regular basis puts the body in an unnatural position and can cause the spine to become misaligned with more weight concentrated in the front of the foot, leading to lower back pain. Try wearing flats instead, or look for shoes with a low heel that aren’t too elevated for everyday use. Poor Posture Another major cause of lower back pain is poor posture. When you’re sitting or standing in the wrong way, it can put undue strain on the muscles and ligaments of the spine, leading to pain and discomfort over time. To correct this, it’s important to stand and sit up straight. Make sure you’re not slouching or hunching over when seated, and regularly stretch and move throughout the day so that your muscles don’t become tense and stiff. Lifting Objects Incorrectly Another common cause of lower back pain is incorrect form when lifting objects. When we lift items that are too heavy for us, or without using the proper technique, it can strain the muscles of the lower back and hips, leading to pain and injury. To help prevent this, use the “powerlifting” technique when lifting heavy items, in which you use your legs to lift and shift the object rather than relying solely on your back. Excessive Bending Excessive bending can cause strain on the lower back muscles, leading to lower back pain. It is important to practice proper lifting and bending techniques to help reduce the strain on your lower back. Stress Stress can be a major contributor to lower back pain. When you are stressed, your body tenses up, leading to strain and pain in your lower back. It is important to find healthy ways to manage stress to help reduce lower back pain. Lower back pain can be a real burden on both your physical and mental well-being, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. By making a few small adjustments to your daily habits and lifestyle, you can help to prevent and even alleviate lower back pain. Keeping active, paying attention to your posture, and taking regular breaks can all help to reduce your risk of lower back pain. While it’s easy to neglect your lower back health in favour of more immediate and demanding needs, it’s important to keep in mind that taking care of your lower back can greatly benefit your overall health and well-being. With a few lifestyle adjustments, you can make sure you stay free of lower back pain and enjoy life to the fullest.


    Mothers often face unique challenges when it comes to finding and keeping a job. Juggling childcare responsibilities and managing household duties can make it difficult to commit to a strict, nine-to-five work schedule. To make the task of balancing work and parenting a little easier, some employers offer flexible work arrangements that allow busy mothers to create their own schedule. At their core, flexible work policies involve restructuring a worker's hours, job location, and/or job duties. The goal is to meet both an employer's business needs and a worker's family needs. For example, a working mother might be able to work from home a few days each week, work a reduced number of hours, or work nights or weekends to fit in with her children's routines. Flexible options can include any combination of remote working, part-time hours, job sharing, and compressed or flexible hours. Remote working allows a worker to be based at home, a local or remote office, or a temporary workspace location. Job-sharing involves two or more workers splitting a single job role, usually on a part-time basis. Compressed work schedules involve working fewer hours over four or five days a week, or using a flexible working pattern that allows for greater control over a worker's hours. Flexible working comes with a number of benefits. For employers, flexible work arrangements can help to reduce sick time, boost employees 'morale, and promote better productivity. For workers, flexible work options can help to eliminate the need for a costly childcare, as well as increase feelings of personal satisfaction and autonomy. If flexible work arrangements sound like they would work for you, the first step is to have a conversation with your employer. Be sure to make your case in terms of what you can contribute, rather than what you need. When discussing availability, keep in mind that a flexible arrangement isn't a substitute for parenting responsibilities. Your child's wellbeing should still be your top priority, and you should never put an unreasonable amount of extra pressure or stress on your workload. For mothers looking for a better way to balance work and family life, flexible working can provide much-needed relief. With a little bit of willingness and a lot of communication, working parents can create and maintain a makeshift schedule that works for everyone. Here are some extra points to discuss with your employer. Flexible Working Enables Mothers to Balance Family and Career: One of the most important reasons why flexible working is important for mothers is that it enables them to balance family and career. Flexible working can come in many forms, such as working from home, part-time, job sharing, compressed work weeks, and flexible hours. Through these options, mothers can more easily manage their work and home lives, allowing them to spend more time with their children and still get the job done. Flexible Working Helps Mothers Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Health: Another benefit of flexible working for mothers is that it can help reduce stress and improve mental health. For mothers who are already juggling multiple responsibilities, the flexible working arrangement can provide a much-needed break. With flexible working, mothers can take breaks when they need to, plan their day around family commitments, and have more control over their work/life balance. This can help reduce stress, improve concentration, and lead to better overall mental health. Flexible Working Helps Mothers Access Resources and Support: A further benefit of flexible working for mothers is that it can help them access resources and support. For example, by working from home, mothers can access childcare resources more conveniently. Similarly, flexible working can also help mothers access other forms of support, such as counselling services or support groups. This can help them manage the competing demands of motherhood and their career more effectively. Flexible Working Enables Mothers to Pursue Further Education: Flexible working can also enable mothers to pursue further education. For example, with flexible working arrangements, mothers can more easily accommodate the demands of attending classes, studying, and completing assignments. This can allow them to further their education and career prospects, while still having the flexibility to be there for their children. Flexible Working Boosts Productivity and Morale: The benefits of flexible working are not just limited to mothers. Employers also stand to gain from offering flexible working arrangements. For employers, flexible working can boost productivity and morale, as employees feel more appreciated, motivated, and empowered. Furthermore, flexible working can also improve work-life balance and reduce staff turnover, as employees are more likely to stay with the company when they are offered flexibility. Flexible Working Enhances Communication and Collaboration: Yet another benefit of flexible working for employers is that it can enhance communication and collaboration. By offering flexible working arrangements, employers can make it easier for employees to communicate and collaborate, regardless of where they are located. This can improve the quality of work, reduce communication barriers, and increase productivity. Flexible Working Saves Money: Finally, flexible working can help employers save money. By offering flexible working arrangements, employers can reduce the need for office space and other associated costs. This can lead to significant cost savings and make the business more profitable. In conclusion, flexible working is an important tool for both mothers and employers. For mothers, it can enable them to balance family and career, reduce stress and improve mental health, access resources and support, and pursue further education. For employers, it can boost productivity and morale, enhance communication and collaboration, and save money. Overall, flexible working provides a win-win situation for both mothers and employers.


    You matter. Dress like it. It’s a dignity and self-love thing when you are one hell of a drained momma, but you keep it fly; stylish and do mean it when you say that 'the bags under your eyes are Prada', each of the times you are told a day that you in fact, look tired or exhausted. If I had a penny for every time I heard that or a comment regarding my clothing, or make-up, I would be ruling the world. Since I became a mother, I have always got myself happily dressed. Happily, dressed is what I call it when I am happy with how I look for the day. I do not care if anyone else is happy with how I am dressed, but I care if I am. Now, quite a few days have been skipped, but overall, I get dressed. It was always made such a deal of though and it soon had to become background noise to me. Everyone, and I mean everyone from my son’s caregivers to Postal workers would question me often about my having on full make-up or dressing a certain way and all because I was seen with my son. I was a mom. How could a mom have style or make-up on? Why? It happened so often that I once started to wonder if I was doing something wrong by wearing make-up and nice fits, but I quickly came to the conclusion - I wasn’t. I was simply being me. I kept my swag as best I could, and I refuse to not enjoy my daily fits. Just as it’s been said, “I am nicer when I like my outfit.” That is me. Therefore, I have come across many tips, tricks, and life hacks for the modern momma or busy career woman to stay stylish, and well-kept while constantly on the run. The focus here is, as mothers, career women, and just women trying to hustle, and build a life - we mustn’t forget that we too are individuals. We each are one-of-a-kind. This is not a series about image. We are all without rivals and there is no need to compete, but to care for ourselves well. Image ties into being competitive with other women. That’s unnecessary self-drama all of us need to let go and go for good. We all possess our very own uniqueness that no one else on this earth has so we need to gracefully flaunt who we are apart from all the hats we must wear. (Pun not intended) Just because we become moms, work constantly, or turn a certain age does not mean we can no longer wear make-up, look stylish and put the proper and essential maintenance of ourselves. We only must learn to do it quicker. A lot quicker. That is what I hope to bring you through this series of, These Bags Under my Eyes are Prada, articles. I want to spread the many ways to keep the staring worth their while, and you a happier and more confident momma rocking your badassery looking tired or not. I know many women cannot seem to find the time to get dressed these days no matter what they do, but I also know where there is a will, there is a way. You matter. Dress like it. Period. Rule of thumb number one: No staying in pyjamas all day. Pyjama days are to be limited as staying in your pyjamas or sweats on the regular will leave you feeling many things and undignified is number one. Badass women will never allow their dignity to be vanquished in any way, shape or form. That includes how you dress, and how you present yourself to the world. Dignity and style web together. They connect well to confidence, productivity, smiling, and laughter leading to a better day. When we look good to ourselves, we feel damn good. We feel better. At least, I know I do. Therefore, by feeling 'top-notch' my actions, and reactions will be much more on the beautiful side than that coming from an irritated, grumpy, or “I am too stressed!!” crazed woman. Getting up and getting dressed right - really is a catalyst to better days; better moments. If only I had a scientific type fact to back this up. Mommas, if you are not able to get dressed then you are too stressed or too uptight. You are too - something. I know on my days I do not get dressed, it is because something was far off or out of alignment that day so much that I missed my chances to feel like myself. Those are not my best days, ever. Thankfully, those days have become fewer and farther between. The first step, I started looking around at my daily life questioning what was becoming too this or too that causing me to get lazy with myself or out of line with timing, and wise usage of it. Moms, if we do not manage our time well we cannot manage our lives well and that eventually leads to an inevitable disaster and many plot twists all at once. So, I started to let go and no longer allow anything to bother me in an intense way where it affected my daily happiness or mood. I prioritized my responsibilities desires, and daily musts while respecting myself to work it all around the time I needed to get appropriately dressed for that day. Once I figured this out it was a new dawn, and a new day forevermore! Think over your days. What can you stop trying to control so much? What can you let sit until tomorrow when you have more time? What is it that you prioritize over yourself, all the things you do? Can you rid yourself or your daily routine of any of these things? You can. Make the time because it matters. It matters because you matter as an individual.


    Perimenopause can last anywhere from two to eight years, with the average being four years. During this time, a woman’s menstrual cycle will become irregular, with periods coming closer together or further apart. Eventually, the periods will stop altogether, which is the beginning of menopause. What is Perimenopause? Perimenopause is a transitional stage of a woman’s life that occurs before menopause. The word ‘perimenopause’ comes from the Greek words peri (around) and menopause (cessation of the menstrual cycle). It usually begins in the late 40s (although it can begin earlier for some women) or early 50s and can last for several years. During this time, a woman’s body begins to produce less of the hormones estrogen and progesterone and many women experience a variety of physical and emotional symptoms as their hormones begin to shift. Symptoms of Perimenopause The symptoms of perimenopause can vary from woman to woman. Some of the most common symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and changes to the menstrual cycle. In addition, some women may experience vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, and urinary incontinence. The severity and duration of these symptoms can vary greatly. Some women may experience very mild symptoms while others may find them more disruptive. Perimenopause can last anywhere from two to eight years, with the average being four years. During this time, a woman’s menstrual cycle will become irregular, with periods coming closer together or further apart. Eventually, the periods will stop altogether, which is the beginning of menopause. While perimenopause can be a confusing and stressful time, it is important to understand what is happening to your body and how to manage your symptoms. Felicity, 46, London "I'm grateful for the time I am currently in my life- perimenopause. It's a time of change and growth, a time when I'm becoming an even more confident and powerful version of myself. It's an exciting time as my body and mind take new and different directions, and I wander off the beaten path.Yes, there may be days that are filled with hot flashes, night sweats, and lower energy levels, but that doesn't discourage me. Instead, I take strides to understand the new terrain I'm navigating and think positively of the learning experiences that come with it.I embrace the days where I have more energy and fewer hot flashes and am happy for the changes that allow me to experience happier moments, explore new hobbies, and feel a renewed spirit.Most of all, I'm thankful for the opportunity to come to terms and gain a deeper understanding of my body and the many stages of life. This acceptance has allowed me to create a healthier and more balanced life – one that I feel proud to take part in. Perimenopause is a journey of growth, and I'm grateful to be on it." The good news is that there are a number of ways to manage the symptoms of perimenopause. One of the best ways to cope with the symptom of perimenopause is to make lifestyle changes. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can all help to reduce the severity of the symptoms. In addition, avoiding alcohol and smoking, as well as managing stress levels can also be beneficial. It can also be helpful to talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This treatment can help to reduce the symptoms of perimenopause by replacing the hormones that are no longer being produced by the body. HRT can be taken orally, as a patch, or as an injection. Treatment Options There are a variety of treatment options available for women experiencing the symptoms of perimenopause. These include hormone replacement therapy, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies. Hormone replacement therapy is a common treatment for perimenopause. This involves taking hormones such as estrogen and progesterone to help regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle and reduce the symptoms of perimenopause. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy with your doctor before starting treatment. Lifestyle changes can also help reduce the symptoms of perimenopause. This includes eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress. Women should also avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption. Herbal remedies are another option for treating the symptoms of perimenopause. These include black cohosh, dong quai, and chasteberry. It is important to discuss the use of herbal remedies with your doctor before taking them. It is important to remember that the symptoms of perimenopause are natural and normal. While they can be disruptive, they are also a sign that the body is adjusting to the changes that are taking place. By learning more about the symptoms, causes, and treatments, women can better prepare themselves for this stage of life and with the right support and resources, many women are able to make this time a positive and rewarding experience.


    When it comes to showing your mother how much you care, picking the perfect gift on Mother’s Day can be challenging. Flowers and chocolate are always nice, but let's face it - a bit basic. You want to give something that really shows you’ve given thought to it. That’s why we’ve rounded up some unique ideas to make this Mother’s Day one that your mother will always remember. For the health-conscious mom, give her a fitness tracker to help her stay up-to-date with her daily activities and calories burned. For an added bonus, sign her up for a subscription to a boutique or online fitness class. If your mother spends a lot of time in the kitchen. Give her the gift of a sous-vide machine so she can whip up some delicious dishes with ease. She’ll be sure to appreciate this handy kitchen appliance. For the mother who has a green thumb, get her a gardening supplies package. Include a new set of gardening tools, a pair of garden gloves, and an herb growing kit. She’ll have everything she needs to get her garden growing. When it comes to gifts, personalized presents are always special. Get a custom-made necklace with her name and the names of her children engraved on it. Or, enlist the help of a graphic designer to create a colourful customized print of her family. Kick-start her latest book club selection with an e-reader subscription. That way, she’ll get access to thousands of titles in just a few clicks. She’ll love having the latest page-turners delivered straight to her device. For the mother who loves a cosy night in, treat her to a comforting spa day. Include relaxing beauty products, such as face masks, hair masks, and foot scrubs, as well as cosy slippers and a robe. She’ll be soothed by this indulgent experience. These unique ideas for Mother’s Day are sure to make her feel extra special. With a thoughtful gift, you’ll make her day a memorable one.


    Work ethic can be defined as an individual’s attitude towards work and their principles and values concerning work. It is the ability to be professional and productive in any work environment. Having a good work ethic can lead to a successful career and life in general. Simply put, a person who possesses a good work ethic will take responsibility for their actions and take pride in the work they do. They will always attempt to complete tasks to the best of their ability, set realistic and achievable goals, and be open-minded to new ideas and techniques. In addition to taking ownership of their work and having a positive attitude, having a strong work ethic also means being organized and disciplined. Making sure tasks are properly scheduled and budgets are set and adhered to encourages better time management. Likewise, having high standards when it comes to the quality of the work being done and being able to take constructive criticism and feedback strengthens one's work ethic even more. A strong work ethic can not only help with career growth but also help shape the overall life of a person. When someone is fired up, inspired and motivated to go the extra mile, a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment starts to surface. Ultimately, a person’s success and development are determined by the amount of effort that is put into their work. The drive and determination to ask for advice and feedback, seek out new skills and put in hard work to achieve goals can bring great results. We can all find it hard at times to stay motivated and keep up with 'good' standards, so finding ways to improve your work ethic is an important part of becoming a more efficient and successful worker. As we strive for success in our lives and careers, it’s important to have a clear vision. Having a strong work ethic involves having dedication and discipline as well as a firm commitment to doing the best job we can. Improving one’s work ethic is essential in order to be successful and here are some tips on how to do it. Set Goals Setting specific, realistic goals and committing to sticking to them is a great way to start improving your work ethic. Make sure to set both short-term and long-term goals, and make sure that they’re realistic enough so that you can actually achieve them. Make a Schedule It’s hard to be productive without a plan, so making a schedule to help you stay on track can be incredibly helpful. This will help ensure that you set aside time for work and stick with it. Take Breaks While breaks are important for recharging your energy levels and avoiding burnout, it’s equally important not to take too many breaks if you want to keep up your work ethic. Allow yourself regular breaks throughout the day but make sure that they don’t last too long - getting back into the swing of things always takes longer than starting from scratch in the first place! Stay Organized A clutter-free workspace is essential for staying productive, so make sure that you keep your desk neat and tidy at all times - this will allow you to stay focused on the task at hand rather than getting distracted by other things in your environment. Be Dedicated Sticking with something even when times get tough is a sign of true dedication, so if you want to improve your work ethic this is something that you should aim for. Being dedicated means being willing to go above and beyond what's expected of you in order to get the job done well - this shows commitment and responsibility which employers value very highly! Ask For Feedback Ask for constructive feedback from colleagues or supervisors whenever possible - this can help you identify areas where there’s room for improvement in terms of your work ethic and even give you ideas on how to progress further in regard to your chosen field of work or profession Work Harder And Smarter Instead of just putting in more hours at work or pushing yourself beyond exhaustion levels, try working smarter instead by optimizing processes or making use of technology whenever possible - this will ensure that every hour spent working is spent as efficiently as possible!


    To commemorate International Women’s Day, the charity Diagrama is highlighting some of the many incredible achievements of women who have chosen to foster and change the lives of children and young adults. Kristin Nevins Kristin Nevins share’s her home with her husband Peter, their four biological children and their 11- year-old foster child ‘Jack’. “Our foster son ‘Jack’ joined us four years ago. We had no preconceived ideas about what age or sex any foster child placed with us might be, we just wanted to offer a home to one of the thousands of children in the UK who need a safe and loving home. We discussed it as a family so that everyone was fully on board and comfortable with our decision to foster. When Diagrama suggested ‘Jack’ we looked closely at what this would mean for our family, and it just seemed right. ’Jack’ is autistic and has global development delay, so although 11, he has the processing time of a 3-4-year-old, needs simple, clear, consistent instructions, doesn't have a sense of danger and is non-verbal.” Beth Earnshaw Beth Earnshaw is 26, works full time and lives at home with her parents. “Becoming a foster carer has been a very long-held dream, but my situation is very different from other Foster Carers and I was thrilled when Diagrama explained that they wanted to support people from all different walks of life, and I could enter their programme to train as a carer. Fostering is both challenging and rewarding but the boy currently in my care makes it so enjoyable as he is so funny. I love being around children, not only at work as a teaching assistant, but at home too and seeing him feeling safe and secure is the most wonderful gift any foster carer could ask for.” Nic and Chris Kimmance Nic and Chris Kimmance have been married for sixteen years they have two daughters, Lucy and Maddy and as a family decided to become foster carers with the charity Diagrama. “Our decision to become foster parents was years in the making. When we got married, we knew we wanted a family, but it was not happening for us, so we looked at fostering and adoption. Then I fell pregnant not once but twice and we had two beautiful girls. The idea of fostering went on to the back burner for many years, until I raised the idea with Chris again. Once we had agreed to explore fostering, we started to talk with our daughters about what it might mean for our family and how they felt about the possibility of sharing their home with other children. The girls were very positive about the idea so together we moved forward. We were accepted onto the Diagrama fostering programme and after comprehensive training and endless support, our first foster child was placed with us.” Kate Patel, Head of Fostering and Adoption at Diagrama said, “On International Women’s Day, we wanted to give a huge shout-out to every one of the thousands of women who have found it in their hearts to become a foster carer and give a child a home and the safety and security they need.” If you would like to find out more about becoming a foster carer visit About Diagrama Fostering Diagrama Fostering is an independent, not-for-profit fostering agency. Diagrama foster carers provide a supportive environment for “looked after” children across south London, Surrey, East and West Sussex, Berkshire, Kent, and Hampshire. The Diagrama agency is small enough to offer a personalised fostering experience while benefitting from the expertise and security that comes with being part of the larger Diagrama charitable foundation. Diagrama works with many local authorities and gives their carers access to a wide and varied range of children in need of care.


    I can still remember the sinking feeling of dread that overcame me as my ex-partner belittled my experience and ideas in a sick and twisted attempt to manipulate me. In the beginning, I justified his behaviour by thinking that he was just stressed from the problems he was facing at work, but the more it happened, the more I became aware of what was really going on and it had been a slow and painful erosion of my self-confidence. He would manipulate situations and conversations to make me feel as if I was overreacting or questioning things too much. His ability to twist the truth was simply unbelievable. Anything that didn't suit his agenda seemed to get lost in translation, leaving me feeling confused and inadequate. Instead of listening to me or trying to understand how I felt, he often accused me of being crazy and exaggerating the truth. He would go as far as denying that certain conversations ever took place. He used his words to make me doubt my own opinion, feelings and memory. He tried to convince me that I was wrong and that it was all in my head. Through his toxic behaviour, he slowly chipped away at my self-confidence and self-esteem until I no longer trusted myself or knew what was real or unreal anymore. After several years of being in this volatile relationship, I thought nothing of my ex's increasingly hostile behaviour or comments. It wasn't until I actually took some time away from the situation that I started to recognize the extent to which he had been exercising his power and control over me by gaslighting my reality. Looking back on it, I can see the signs that he was trying to control me; there were small manipulations at first, like finding flaws in my work and then making me doubt my own abilities. He'd criticize everything he did that he felt didn't meet his standards and made me feel like it was my fault - even if that wasn't the case. He would deny reality when it came to our arguments or disagreements. He would tell me that what I thought had happened didn't actually happen - that he never said certain things or never acted in certain ways. What kept me trapped within this toxic relationship was thinking that somehow all of this was my fault - if only I could be different or act differently then all would be right in our little world again Eventually, it became too much for me and I knew something had to give. As I stood up for myself, it felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders and soon enough things came crashing down around us both. Two years into this toxic cycle and after expressing the truth of what was happening in my relationship with a trusted friend, I faced the fact that this was gaslighting and that if I didn't leave things would get much worse. I planned my exit. Did not explain why I was ending the relationship with him in person, but left a note, as I knew he was able to manipulate me into staying with him. One afternoon when he was at work, I left for good and went to stay with my best friend. The next few weeks were hard. I was dealing with the emotional trauma of the relationship, and it felt like I was re-learning how to exist without him. I felt like I was in a fog. But slowly, I started to feel better. I was able to reconnect with my friends and family, and I started to rebuild my life. It's taken some time but now I feel more empowered than ever before; recognising what was happening, standing up to it and breaking free from it all together has really set me on an incredible journey of self-discovery that is continuing on a daily basis. It has been a long journey but I am proud to say that today, I am no longer controlled by others’ opinions about my worth or individualism—I have come a long way from gaslighting victim to being my own empowered person.

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