There are certain things in Autumn and Winter that can make the seasons just that little bit better. Take for instance, cosy, fluffy turtle-neck jumpers that you can wrap up in all day long, laid-back evenings by the fire reading your favourite book and watching the best movies (oh, I'm craving ‘The Holiday’ fix rn can you tell?!) maybe even taking a brisk stroll through the town in your new black boots and winding up in the local restaurant with a well-deserved glass of Red.
I’m sure, like me, there are many reasons you love about winter.
But, there are also lots of things that we know you really don’t like about it too. There’s the rain, rain, and a bit more rain, the dog walks that end up in a crazy muddy stupor, frost on the car when you’re already late for work, and then there’s pregnancy. Ok, we know it’s tough. It really is difficult as a woman to love your body anyway, fashion for decades has told us how we should look and if we’re too curvy, too pale, too short, too this way, too that way, and certainly too pregnant, we won’t look good. Well, luckily fashion is finally changing. So no more panicking about looking like a supermodel and having the most perfect bump. This is about celebrating womanhood, and making your style and bump known and noticed this winter!
Tops for tums
Here are my picks of the best maternity tops this season. Because there are so many options out there, try to stick to your body shape and then explore with colours and patterns, rather than bulking with heavy layered materials or trying too hard to dress a certain way. Choose soft stretchy fabrics that will feel cosy and snug. Here are my favourite sumptuous knits to get you and your bump through the winter with style.
Why not rock a 70’s vibe with these awesome flares from ASOS. Dress them up or down, they will flatter, smooth and glorify your bump.
Remember whether you’re carrying high or low, all over or hardly showing at all, you are unique. You don’t have to change your style; you just have to tinker with it! Make slight adjustments if need be to flatter your bump. Here’s what I suggest for the bottom half!
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Also don’t forget to accessorise! If you didn’t before, you better learn how now! Statement earrings, a bright coloured scarf, the beret you never thought you would wear, are all simple but key pieces that can really pull any outfit together.