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Stop waiting for perfection.

Have you thought tirelessly about starting a new business, but it's still just a mere thought? Are you talking to everyone and anyone about it - who will listen? They will tire of listening - trust me. Stop talking, start doing and execute. The perfect situation or set of circumstances will never, and I mean never present itself, so start, be bold and enjoy the ride.

Put an end to checking your inbox first thing in the morning.

This is a big productivity buzz kill. Switch off your alerts and hold tight on checking your emails until later in the day. It's always better to use your peak morning hours of productivity to tackle more pressing tasks.

Listen to positive noise - only.

Whether its audio books, podcasts, motivational YouTube videos, listen to them everyday. The best time for this is in the morning, as the first hour of your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day - so it's definitely advisable to keep it positive. Whilst I am getting dressed I play motivational videos and soak up the positivity. This gives me an amazing boost for the day ahead and means I am totally ready to kick-ass!

Clutter be gone.

There are times when I have sat at my desk trying to write a proposal or email and my brain, no matter how hard I try, can-not-focus. Presumably, because I have yesterday's tea mug - with undrunk tea in it, post it notes strewn over my desk (with completed tasks on them) and papers that should've already been shredded, or filed away, spread across like a drunken mess. When you are working or living in disorganisation, then how can you expect to work in an organised manner. Learn to committ to a mini de clutter at the end of each day, a medium one at the end of the week and a massive one around summer time. Not only will your brain feel more at ease - thanks to the cleaner and clearer environment, but you'll be a little more stress free as you'll be able to find the stapler from now on when it's needed!

TV - be gone.

Now this is a tricky one, especially if you have kids, and even more so if you're akin to permitting your brood to watch TV in order to maintain some level of sanity. So, you do not have to throw your TV out all together. If you can, then go for it, but if not - cut it down - a lot. Disconnect additional television services that keep you and your family glued to the TV and opt for cheaper alternatives like Netflix or Prime Video, that you can control and use as and when needed. TV will simply distract you from working on your goals and dreams - and what's the point of watching other successful people when you haven't reached where you want to be yet?

Routines work.

Many successful people have become successful because they were super organised, super regimental and stuck to a systematic routine. From the the hour they wake up, to the time they spend with family and friends, they very rarely fall out of kilter. Implement a routine into your own life, stick to your plans and commitments and you will be able to identify how much or how little time you have. If you blog, have a business or work from home, then pick specific times to complete tasks. This will eventually help your brain identify what's happening and what you should be working on.

Learn to say 'no' and concentrate on what matters the most.

The less available you make yourself to everyone else, the more you become more available for your intents and goals. As selfish as it sounds, just simply learning to prioritize and put the most immediate and beneficial things first will do you some real good.

Switch off.

A little 'me' time goes a long long way. And when you're constantly working under the constraints of life you may become less able to focus and execute. It's amazing how productivity increases when you simply switch off the noise. Turn all devices off that are not needed, such as - phones, tablets, laptops, and do not check emails - watch the time go and your work mode flow. You will not be distracted by social media or your best friend calling to discuss yesterday's episode of Love Island.

Get up at 5 am.

Now hopefully you are post baby night feeds and your little cherubs are sleeping peacefully through the night. Waking up at 5am will not only kick start your day, the habit alone will strengthen your willpower and will serve you more dutifully in key areas of your life.


Outsource what you do not have the time to do or are not so great at doing. There is simply no point of spending 2.5 days trying to figure out how to prepare an analysis on media marketing, if you have no idea where to start. Spend time on the things you are great at and if you can, hire someone else to do the rest.

Get Fit Exercising.

As we all know, exercise not only helps us to stay healthy, but can increase our mood and productivity. You will have an increased level of energy and will feel renewed and ready to take on whatever task is in front of you.

Stop multi-tasking.

New research confirms that all the distractions invading our lives are rewiring the way our brains work (and drop our IQ by 5 points!) Be one of the rare few who develops the mental and physical discipline to have a mono-maniacal focus on one thing for many hours. (It’s all about discipline and practice.)

Use your free time wisely.

When travelling to and from school, work, the office, or the supermarket, use that time of nothingness to do something. Listen to your favourite podcasts in the car or audio book through your headphones. Its a great way to get in some extra learning and it's sometimes better then listening to the buzz of people around you.


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