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How to Achieve Work-Life Balance While Working from Home: 4 Simple Strategies to Implement Today

woman typing on laptop whilst baby taps at keyboard

I struggle a lot with distraction, so I'm both lucky and, er, not so lucky to be a writer and be able to work from home. When Covid hit and the premise was to not return to work, I didn't feel confusion or excitement as I was already used to it. However, the familiarity of working from home didn't make it any easier. I still struggled with being called upon by the laundry and dishes that needed cleaning. I make thousands of cups of tea, and even sometimes, don't tell anybody, wfh in my pyjamas.

To be very honest when the government called on us to return to the office I was silently jealous of those who were returning, as working from home has its cons - so how have I managed to work without letting my attention go and doing the hoovering in between m meetings? I'll show you how.

Have a designated workspace:

Some time ago I was working from the dining table, sofa and even bed. And although all of which are very comfortable, they did not propel me into productivity. I realised I needed to implement a designated 'office space' or else I'd snooze through my 2pm Zoom call. I coordinated (my very tiny home) and created my home office by purchasing a reasonably sized desk, comfortable chair and some props and devices that helped to keep my productivity levels up during the day. 

Set a Routine - That Works For You: 

Plan your day: Outline your tasks, meetings, and breaks in advance. Having a schedule can keep you on track and reduce the temptation to work extra hours. Include breaks: Regular breaks boost productivity and reduce burnout. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of work, 5 minute break) to structure an effective work routine.

Set Clear Boundaries:

Designate a dedicated workspace: Create a separate area in your home for work. This space should be comfortable and free from distractions, helping you mentally separate work from life and household activities.

Prioritise tasks and manage expectations: Identify your most important tasks for the day and focus on completing them. Avoid overloading your schedule with too many commitments. Communicate with your supervisor or clients about your workload and deadlines to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Take Care of Your Well-being:

Exercise regularly and practice self-care: Incorwporate physical activity into your daily routine to boost your energy and reduce stress. Even short, at-home workouts can make a difference. Set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones. Remember to disconnect from work when your day is over.

Balancing work and life while working from home requires discipline, effective time management, and self-awareness. Adjust these strategies to fit your unique circumstances and needs, and don't hesitate to seek support or guidance from your employer or colleagues if necessary.



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