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A Letter to the Perfectly Imperfect Mother

Dear Mom,

I see you, ma’am. Changing those diapers. Making those bottles. Packing those lunches. I see you, girl, and best believe that I’ve been there. Hell, I’m still there with you! I see you falling asleep on the couch, trying to catch up on your shows while folding laundry. I see you staying up late to catch up on homework while hoping your little ones don’t wake up.

I definitely see you when you’re feeling guilty about grabbing take-out for the second night in a row. I see you and understand you simply because I am you. We are basically the same.

We want the best for our babies and ourselves. We want to give these precious little humans the best this jacked up world has to offer and still remember that we deserve the best, as well.

We sometimes struggle with self-inflicted disappointment because we feel like we’re mediocre when, in actuality, we’re doing so well. We sometimes beat ourselves up because family members feel like we’re not doing enough for our children.

Mom, we are sisters. A community like no other that understands each other’s insecurities, fears, and lows. Mom, please know that you’re doing so well. Even though you may feel like you’re barely getting by in this mom-thing, you’re doing such an amazing job.

It’s okay for your kids to not have a birthday party every year. It’s perfectly fine for them to not be in an extra activity all the time. It is necessary for you to have time for yourself. Realize the greatness in you, the strength it takes for you to be an amazing parent to your babies, and allow those things to motivate you.

Yes, we could all probably improve in some areas but acknowledge your growth, pat yourself on the back, and continue growing. Remember that nobody’s ever going to be the perfect parent or mom. You’re perfectly imperfect in your own way and that’s the beauty of you & your journey through motherhood, personhood, and life!

So, ma’am, hold your head up and soldier on because you are the living, breathing, & walking example of unconditional love, tireless strength, endless beauty, and everlasting perseverance.

Keep it pushing, girl. You got this.


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