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Rebecca Kirby

Vaseline - The best beauty product since 1872!

As of today, there are hundreds of beauty and skin products out there all grasping for our attention, and satisfaction when for the last 150 years the best beauty product sits pretty on any supermarket shelf, perhaps, gone unnoticed and that’s Vaseline. Also referred to as Petroleum Jelly, Vaseline is an occlusive, this means it coats the skin with a layer that holds moisture in. It seals and protects. It cleanses and its healing - what's not to love right?

Vaseline is hydration for your skin at its finest. The properties that solidify, Petroleum Jelly as the best beauty product have been scientifically proven and many women, and even men are living proof it works pretty damn well.

Here are a few Vaseline hacks, DIY’s, and beauty tips you may or may not know of, but should be well-known and in use. Plus, it is much less expensive than all the others out there and that is an absolute win. Vaseline is perfect for a well-kept mama on the go.

Stellar Make-Up Remover

Vaseline, because it is an oil makes for an excellent make-up remover that is easy on the skin, and quick. It will even remove water-proof mascara. It’s been noted that not one other make up remover works nearly as well as Vaseline does, period.

Perfect For Your Mani & Pedi

Unfortunately, we cannot always lay in the luxury of spa chairs and get our nails and toes done so we must bite the bullet and paint them ourselves. Some women can do it well, others like yours truly cannot without making a tragic mess worth crying over. Come to find out, if you take some Vaseline and line your nails around the sides and cuticle lines it will keep the nail polish from dripping or spreading past the nail. So next time you find yourself stuck painting and maintaining yourself mix Vaseline in your equation and change the game.

Summer Lovin' Feet

Dry and cracked skin mounts up on our feet so fast and it can be the biggest nuisance. During the summer maintaining your feet can become far too expensive and time consuming due to the temperatures and summer activities, so getting a pedicure weekly does not always work out. Plus, scrubbing the calluses off your feet, the dry and dead skin only makes it grow more and faster. Its best to lather it all u-p with lotion and moisturize. Problem is these lotions offered seem to take forever to work if they ever do, but I have fabulous news’ ’VASELINE - At bedtime grab your comfy and fluffy socks and Vaseline and start to lather up your feet well and let the healing and soothing oils seep in as you cover your feet and fall off into sweet dreams. When you wake up your feet will already have a smoother feel, so you will feel so fresh and so clean, and lighter on your feet.

Split-End Cmouflaging

Career, struggling, and just all kinds of mothers and even women without children do not always have the time to get their hair touched up, cut or even trimmed, so hair can tend to show off a worse side of looking fried, and dry; damaged. For the women and mothers on the hustle and in the struggle use Vaseline to hide and fake you split-ends until you can get yourself into the beauty shop. Its affordable, not harmful to your hair and works well without “unruly hair moment” side effects.

DIY Lip Stain

Lipstick does not like to go on properly or stay put does it? Sometimes you find a great fit for you and your lips, but if you would like a smooth lip stain that stays on all day then you should try this. Take one Tablespoon of Vaseline with Kool-Aid, maybe a cherry or orange flavor or mix it with your favorite eye blush. Your lips will then have a staining balm that tends to last all day and that will moisturise and hydrate. It is fabulous.

Show off those legs and let them shine

Legs are in the top three sexiest parts of a woman, per a few online polls . Besides the sex appeal, the feeling of smooth strides, and a cool breeze against your silky and glowing skin is divine. Spray tans, and bronzers are a must at times but add Vaseline prepare for legs that look phenomenal and radiate. Mix Vaseline with your favourite or most recommended skin Bronzer or eye blush and spread the formula all over your legs, and you will present a shiny glow with every step you take the entire day.

THE Primer

Eye shadow primer is imperative if you want the time it took to put effort into your eyes to stay on. Primer is wonderful, and Vaseline is one of the best ones. You take a very small quantity of Vaseline and smooth it on your eyelids, and it is now ready to be used as your primer and is said to keep eye shadow on well, and all day. A cheaper alternative for sure! This is definitely one worth trying - especially since hydrating and moisturizing is occurring too.

Brow Bootcamp

Eyebrows require much maintenance and sometimes can become or just be super unruly. Hairspray hardly helps, plus who wants that on their face? Vaseline is the answer for any unruly brow issue. Tame them by sliding Vaseline over the arches. They will NOT move all day. Vaseline keeps them checked and in line!

Homemade - DIY Lip Scrub

Now this, DIY lip scrub is kick-ass. It chafes away chapped and dry lips bringing out the pouty, puffy and smooth lips underneath. It is simple to make and worth it! All you need to do is mix a substantial quantity of Vaseline with a small amount of sugar as this makes a great scrub for your lips. This scrub starts to surface the flawless, glossy, puckering and dramatic part of our lips. Using this or rubbing a little Vaseline with a wet tooth brush after your teeth have been brushed will bring out what's been hidden under chapped and dry skin.

Sea Salt Skin Scrub

You can make this body scrub at home by mixing a good amount of Vaseline with ½ a cup to 1 cup of sea salt. This Vaseline scrub will help you get rid of dry, crackling skin, brighten your skin tone and remove all the dead skin cells from your body. (Yes, I know, wow right?) The best sea salts to use would be Dr. Teals Restore and Replenish found at any convenience store. Vaseline can truly handle all your skin and bath time beauty needs.

Luscious Lashes

I do not care who you are, we all desire thick and long eyelashes and spend a lot of money to have them. Well Vaselineorks amazingly. Use it along the line of your lashes and eyelids and watch them have more volume and spunk even without using Mascara. Doing this should help thicken them over and grow over time. Petroleum Jelly really is a life-changing treatment.

Vaseline. Ladies! Vaseline. It is well known to be called the best beauty product out ever and for good reasons. Along with the above there are countless things, tips, and hacks with Vaseline and along with the health it brings to your skin and body, it helps keep your bank account fuller as well and that ladies speaks volumes.

Is there aything unconventional you use Vaseline for?

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