2 min read | by Anna Klein | Team Mama Wins

Dec 5, 20182 min

Why It's Time To Ditch Your New Years Resolution

The festive season has once again hit us with what feels like no warning at all. I mean were we not donning crsip white tee's and denim cut off's 5 minutes ago? December has taken centre stage and taken hold of our spirit and not to mention our finances, therfeore it is ultimately hard not to dwell on the upcoming new year and thoughts of our proposed new year resolutions.

If I recall correctly, since the dawn of day or at least since I was twenty something - ish I have committed (well, at least sort of) myself to loosing weight, working harder, abstaining from sex, you name it. Every year I go on some sort of 'do right by the new year' quest and each and every year, almost 2 weeks in, I break it.

According to elephantjournal.com almost 92 percent of individuals end up giving up by January 15th and I am definitely, alongside most of society, part of that 92 percent. So this year I, alongside a few other members of the MW team have devised a plan to break the new year promises we burden ourselves with each year - before we have taken the plunge to make them.

You see it dawned upon me that I should practice self improvement habitually and therefore should not be waiting untill Jan 1st to make changes in my life. Why oh why should we wait until the coming of the new year to get fit, eat less junk food or secure a new job. Why wouldn't we take action and start now? Essentially starting a resolution only to end up breaking it can also be quite demoralising. So why set ourselves up to fail just because the new year calls for such an outdated tradition.

To be frankly honest isn't it better to go against the grain and do things a bit differently anyway? So, if you're committed to becoming a bettter you then here’s to a resolution that starts today. Not because 2019 calls for it.
