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30 Quick and Super Easy Ways To Practice Self Care - even with the kids in tow

Self care is literally as important as paying your taxes people. So important that we believe there should be a national holiday for it - that's the level of priority we need to give to ensure we feel good mentally, physically and emotionally.

Life is nothing short of hectic with work, zoom calls, relationships, home schooling and children and in full swing, winding down and switching off should be numero uno.

We've drafted 30 quick and easy techniques that you can do with very little time even with the kids in tow.

1. Start a compliments file. Document the great things people say about you or your business in a cool journal and read later.

2. Make a 'to don't' list - list all the things you must refrain from doing to become a better you.

3. Scratch off something that's been lingering on your to-do list, something that’s been there for ages and you still haven't got round to executing.

4. Take a digital detox - Switch everything to airplane mode and free yourself from the constant stream of social media and email.

5. Switch off from negativity - whether it be the news, people or thoughts, shut it down.

6. That handle that's been wobbling at home or that bulb that's blown - fix it.

7. Listen to your favourite music and simply dance!

8. Take another route to work. Mixing up your routine in small ways creates new neural pathways in the brain to keep it healthy.

9. Learn a new skill.

10. Learn to chill - spend quality time with your minis watching a movie, painting or just simply talking.

11. Practice meditation - take 20 mins out to focus on your breathing and mind.

12. Do a mini-declutter. Recycle three things from your wardrobe that you don’t love or wear regularly .

13. Do something you would never do. Talk to a stranger or to that good looking guy that you see every morning on the train.

14. Edit your social media feeds, and take out any negative people. You can just “mute” them; you don’t have to delete them.

15. Be around creative people.

16. Take risks and break the rules.

17. Practice gratitude.

18. Read an educational book that focuses on self care practices.

19. Let it go - Forgive someone who you are unhappy with.

20. Listen to positive podcasts or videos.

21. Help someone and don’t expect anything in return.

22. Start getting better sleep.

23. Clean your workspace.

24. Treat yourself to a new dress or hair do.

25. Start loving and embracing every part of your body, even the areas you see as flaws.

26. Start focusing on life's positives and all the amazing things that you should be thankful for.

27. Discover your talents and passions and work on them daily.

28. Begin a journey of self discovery.

29. Cut off from all toxicity.

30. Write a letter to yourself reminding you of just how amazing you are.


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